(set: $cr to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $cr is 0)[≪stately cerebellum≫](else-if: $cr is 1 )[≪burnished crystal vault≫](else-if: $cr is 2)[≪fungiform dome≫](click: ?roomtype)[(replace: ?roomtype)[(display: "ControlRoom")](replace: ?roomdescr)[(display: "ControlRoomDescr")]](set: $rd to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $rd is 0)[(transition: "pulse")[Luminous ganglia] shine (transition: "pulse")[ochre] light down upon rows of (transition: "pulse")[organoid] instrument panels](else-if: $rd is 1 )[(transition: "pulse")[Glowing quartz formations] shine (transition: "pulse")[silver] light down upon rows of (transition: "pulse")[polyhedric] instrument panels](else-if: $rd is 2)[(transition: "pulse")[Bioluminescent fruit bodies] shine (transition: "pulse")[jade] light down upon rows of (transition: "pulse")[chitinous] instrument panels](set: $cr to 0)(set: $rd to 0) When you sit up, the fluids drain from your eyes and ears. Your flesh feels raw in the open air, but the place is familiar. Your home, here at the heart of the Makoian, a [≪stately cerebellum≫]<roomtype|. |roomdescr>[Luminous ganglia shine ochre light down upon rows of organoid instrument panels]. (click: ?roomtype)[(replace: ?roomtype)[(display: "ControlRoom")](replace: ?roomdescr)[(display: "ControlRoomDescr")]] [[Just as you remember->brain]]. Visual Apparatus: [Test]<testvis|[.]<period1| (click: ?testvis)[ (replace: ?period1)[](replace: ?testvis)[Testing... (live: 2s)[(goto: "visualon")]]] You remember a storm coming, a storm worse than anything that came before. You remember preparing for [a long sleep]<sleep|. (click: ?sleep)[(transition: "dissolve")[And you remember that you are the Fabricationist, [[the only one of your kind->Wake]].]] (live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[A dream of [borders]<borders|. Strange: you've known so few.(stop:)] ] (click: ?borders)[(transition: "dissolve")[A bridge between you and the world. People shouting from the other side, but their voices reached you only as [whispers]<whispers|. (when the wind blows)] ] (click: ?whispers)[(transition: "dissolve")[Help us. Help us. [Help]<help|.] ] (click: ?help)[(transition: "dissolve")[You would have, but the bridge was [[falling->snap out of it]]. (and down will come)] ] The fluids of your stasis pod are heavy and warm. If you stayed a little longer in the embrace of this kindly egg, maybe your systems would repair. Maybe memory would return. But you must [[wake now->Make Makoian]].(set: $childaction to (colour: #99CCFF))(set: $AlertText to (text-style: "blurrier") + (text-style: "bold") + (colour: #CB0034))(set: $GoodText to (text-style: "blur") + (text-style: "bold") + (colour: "LightGreen"))(set: $lariestextone to (colour: #660033))(set: $lariestexttwo to (colour: #66CCFF))(set: $lariestextthree to (colour: "white")) Visual Apparatus: Testing... Dim lights shine through the bluish blur of a warm protein bath. Vision: $GoodText[On]. Auditory Apparatus: [Test]<testaud|[.]<period2| (click: ?testaud)[ (replace: ?period2)[](replace: ?testaud)[Testing... <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Industrial cycling', true);" /></div>(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[The juddering whir of a thousand ancient systems, long neglected. Hearing: $GoodText[On].(stop:) Memory Apparatus: [Test]<testmem|[.]<period3|(stop:)]]]] (click: ?testmem)[ (replace: ?period3)[](replace: ?testmem)[Testing... (live: 2s)[Testing... (stop:)](live: 4s)[ Lore: (stop:)](live: 5s)[ [$GoodText[On].]<On1| (stop:)](live: 5.5s)[(replace: ?On1)[$AlertText[Error. Corruption Detected.] ] Holes in your mind, cold and sharp at the edges. But some things you still [[remember]]. (stop:)]]]<div id="preloader"> <img src="images/kleeblue.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleecontrol.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleecontroldark.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleefull.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleedarksky.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleefeet.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleelegs.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleeredcorner.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleetable.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleetongue.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleeonebird.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> <img src="images/kleeredbar.jpg" width="1" height="1" /> </div> =><= FABRICATIONIST DEWIT REMAKES THE WORLD by Jedediah Berry Created for TEDxCERN 2015 (text-style: "subscript")[Music and Sound Design by] (text-style: "superscript")[Deus ex Tacitus] [[BEGIN->Start]] //(text-style: "subscript")[not recommended for use] (text-style: "superscript")[on mobile devices]// //(text-style: "subscript")[all music and sounds] (text-style: "superscript")[<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>]// This is the heart of the Makoian, the station between all stations, a repeater, a repository, a codex. And you are its brain. But you no longer feel the place as you [once did]<oncedid|. (click: ?oncedid)[(transition: "dissolve")[A line has been severed, your connection lost. You [[rise from your stasis chamber...->rise]]] ](if: (history:)'s last is "rise")[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - motif-a', false);" /></div>](if: $controlroompower is "false")[(goto: "control room broken")](if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $controlcon is "false" and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $childcount > 2))[(goto: "control room conversation")](if: $childcount > 3 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $concount < 5))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $intruder is "true")[(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount is 10))[ (display: "crash") ] In the control room of the Makoian, (if: $cr is 0)[ochre light from luminous ganglia shines down upon rows of organoid [[instrument panels]].](if: $cr is 1)[silver light from glowing quartz formations shines down upon rows of polyhedric [[instrument panels]].](if: $cr is 2)[jade light from bioluminescent fruit bodies shines down upon rows of chitinous [[instrument panels]].](if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $z to (random: 1, 3))(if: $z is 3)[ (display: "child rndm")]] Your [[sanctum->private chamber check]] is in an alcove behind the [[stasis pod]]. At the top of a spiral staircase is the Makoian's sole [[viewport]]. A [[corridor->corridor check]] leads to other parts of the facility. (set: $intrudercount to 0)(set: $intruder to "false")(set: $child to "false")(set: $leftarm to "false")(set: $power to 0)(set: $network to 0)(set: $agora to 0)(set: $fabricators to 0)(set: $controlroompower to "true")(set: $sawpanels to "false")(set: $pd to -1)(set: $prybar to "false")(set: $key to "false")(set: $weapon to "false")(set: $clothing to "false")(set: $clothingtype to 0)(set: $lariesfeelings to 0)(set: $weapontype to 0)(set: $sawchild to "false")(set: $baub to "none")(set: $weap to "none")(set: $cloth to "none")(set: $sawlock to "false")(set: $hatch to "notsealed")(set: $time to "night")(set: $disdain to 0)(set: $humanity to 0)(set: $cruel to 0)(set: $concount to 0)(set: $makechildclothes to "false")(set: $makechildbauble to "false")(set: $childaway to "true")(set: $childsolar to "false")(set: $triedsolar to "false")(set: $triedopenhatch to "false")(set: $chld to 8)(set: $rc to 0)(set: $childfabricators to "false")(set: $childfabricatorscount to 0)(set: $granddesign to "false")(set: $cclothingtype to -1)(set: $refusedweapons to "false")(set: $proteincon to "false")(set: $viewportcon to "false")(set: $controlcon to "false")(set: $lariescon to "false")(set: $fabpro to "false")(set: $clicker to 0)(set: $priedhatchonce to "false")(set: $sack to "true")(set: $pryswitch to 0)(set: $keyswitch to 0)(set: $childclothesswitch to 0)(set: $childbaubleswitch to 0)(set: $prototypeswitch to 0)(set: $bauble to "false")(set: $humanityending to "false")(set: $disdainending to "false")(set: $cruelending to "false") ...and fall. Because when you lean against the pod's edge, you discover that your left arm is missing. Fabricationist, what has happened while you slumbered? [[Proceed->control room]].(if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $childaway is "false" and (if: $concount is 0))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount > 0))[(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount is 10))[ (display: "crash") ] (if: $network is 0)[In the chilly subterranean chamber, you can hear the Makoian muttering quietly to itself, but you cannot converse with it the way you once did. The laries have chewed a hole in the far wall, opening a crawlspace twelve yards deep. The fragile systems that once conencted you to the Makoian—and to thousands of cities—is dark. [[Look inside]]. [[Return->corridors]].](if: $network is 1)[In the chilly subterranean chamber, you can hear the Makoian talking, seeking out nodes beyond the facility. It greets you as an old friend, and as part of itself. [[Return->corridors]].](set: $clicker to 0)(if: $power is 1 and (if: $network is 1) and (if: $fabricators is 1) and (if: $concount > 4) and (if: (history:)'s last is "corridors"))[(goto: "child agora")](if: $agora is 1)[(goto: "final scene")](if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $lariescon is "false" and (if: $childcount > 1) and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(goto: "laries conversation")](set: $cyclecount to 0)(if: $childcount > 4 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $concount < 5))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount > 0))[(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount is 10))[ (display: "crash") ] (if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $z to (random: 1, 3))(if: $z is 3)[(display: "child rndm") ]](if: $agora is not 1)[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Laries', true);" /></div>]After a few steps, you discover that the corridor is thick with laries. They hop and stumble, flip and pulse and pop, clotting the air with themselves. (display: "lgen")(display: "lgen") [you push]<clicka|(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen")(click: ?clicka)[(display: "test cycle")] [[Go back->corridors]]. (set: $pc to 0)(set: $pd to 0) It has been so long, but the place is just as you left it, [≪a lush primordial glade≫]<roomtype|. |roomdescr>[When you enter, a false sun shines through the branches above a bench grown from living trees]. (click: ?roomtype)[(replace: ?roomtype)[(display: "PrvtChmbr")](replace: ?roomdescr)[(display: "PrvtChmbrDscr")]] [[Yes->private chamber first visit]].(if: (history:) contains "corridor check")[(goto: "corridors")](else:)[(goto: "first corridors")](set: $pc to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $pc is 0)[≪a lush primordial garden≫](else-if: $pc is 1 )[≪a sparsely furnished monk's cell≫](else-if: $pc is 2)[≪a den of glass and onyx≫](click: ?roomtype)[(replace: ?roomtype)[(display: "PrvtChmbr")](replace: ?roomdescr)[(display: "PrvtChmbrDscr")]](set: $pd to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $pd is 0)[When you enter, (transition: "pulse")[a false sun shines through the branches] above a (transition: "pulse")[bench grown from living trees]](else-if: $pd is 1 )[When you enter, (transition: "pulse")[a candle ignites in a stone niche] above a (transition: "pulse")[straight-backed wooden chair]](else-if: $pd is 2)[When you enter, (transition: "pulse")[a violet crystal orb glows softly] above a (transition: "pulse")[throne of polished chalcedony]](if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount > 0))[(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))] (if: $child is "true" and (if: (history:)'s last is "control room"))[You tell the child to wait for you outside. ](if: $pc is 0)[In the primordial glade of your private chamber, a false sun shines through the branches over a bench grown from living trees. The vines of your bower have grown thick and tangled over the years. Among them you find a small [[locked box]]. (if: $sack is "true")[ Tucked under the bench is a [[cloth sack]]. ]](if: $pc is 1)[In the cool of your stone cell, a single candle shines from a niche over a straight-backed wooden chair. At the front of your desk is a [[locked drawer]]. You do not seem to possess a key. (if: $sack is "true")[ Tucked under the chair is a [[cloth sack]]. ]](if: $pc is 2)[In the quiet of your private den of glass and onyx, a violet crystal orb glows softly over a throne of polished chalcedony. A [[locked safe]] is built into the wall. (if: $sack is "true")[ Tucked beside the throne is a [[cloth sack]]. ]] [[Return to the control room->control room intruder check]]. Your refuge, your retreat from the Great Project. But you were not always alone here. You remember a rocking chair, a young woman in a white coat, a lullaby like a forge. A thing much like |baby>[a baby] opened its eyes for the first time here, and cried, and wondered. (click: ?baby)[(append: ?baby)[ (that must have been you)]] [[And now?->private chamber]] The contents of the sack clatter when you pick it up. Inside you find a collection of old letterpress type. Maybe these letters spell something important? =><= []<word1| []<word2| []<word3| []<word4| [ [Z]<z| I [S]<s| [D]<d| I S [N]<n| H [R]<r| [H]<h| E [M]<m| [C]<c| [I]<i| [A]<a| E [T]<t| C [E]<e| [W]<w|]<letters| <= <!--LETTER D--><!--DIRE-->(click: ?d)[(replace: ?word1)[DIRE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [Z]<direz| I S S N H H E [M]<direm| C I A E T C W]<letters|] ]<!--DIRE MAZES-->(click: ?direm)[(replace: ?word2)[MAZES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S N H H [C]<diremazesc| [I]<diremazesi| E T C [W]<diremazesw|]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE MAZES WHICH-->(click: ?diremazesw)[ (replace: ?word3)[WHICH] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S E N [I]<diremazeswhichi| T C ]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE MAZES WHICH INSECT-->(click: ?diremazeswhichi)[ (replace: ?word4)[INSECT] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--DIRE MAZES CHEW-->(click: ?diremazesc)[ (replace: ?word3)[CHEW] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S N H [C]<diremazeschewc| I T ]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE MAZES CHEW CHITINS-->(click: ?diremazeschewc)[ (replace: ?word4)[CHITINS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--DIRE MAZES INCH-->(click: ?diremazesi)[ (replace: ?word3)[INCH] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H E T C [W]<diremazesinchw|]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE MAZES INCH WITCHES-->(click: ?diremazesinchw)[ (replace: ?word4)[WITCHES] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--DIRE ZENITH-->(click: ?direz)[(replace: ?word2)[ZENITH] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S [S]<direzeniths| H M [C]<direzenithc| A E C [W]<direzenithw| ]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE ZENITH CHIMES-->(click: ?direzenithc)[(replace: ?word3)[CHIMES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S [C]<direzenithchimesc| A W ]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE ZENITH CHIMES CAWS-->(click: ?direzenithchimesc)[(replace: ?word4)[CAWS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--DIRE ZENITH WHIM-->(click: ?direzenithw)[(replace: ?word3)[WHIM] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S S C [A]<direzenithwhima| E C ]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE ZENITH WHIM ACCESS-->(click: ?direzenithwhima)[(replace: ?word4)[ACCESS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--DIRE ZENITH SWIMS-->(click: ?direzeniths)[(replace: ?word3)[SWIMS] (replace: ?letters)[ [ H [C]<direzenithswimsc| A E C ]<letters| ] ]<!--DIRE ZENITH SWIMS CACHE-->(click: ?direzenithswimsc)[(replace: ?word4)[CACHE] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--LETTER I--><!--ICE-->(click: ?i)[(replace: ?word1)[ICE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z I S D I S N H R H E [M]<icem| A E T C [W]<icew|]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE WIZARD-->(click: ?icew)[(replace: ?word2)[WIZARD] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<icewizards| S N [H]<icewizardh| H E M E [T]<icewizardt| C ]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE WIZARD THINS-->(click: ?icewizardt)[(replace: ?word3)[THINS] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [S]<icewizardthinss| H E M E C ]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE WIZARD THINS SCHEME-->(click: ?icewizardthinss)[(replace: ?word4)[SCHEME] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ICE WIZARD SHIMS-->(click: ?icewizards)[(replace: ?word3)[SHIMS] (replace: ?letters)[ [ N H E E [T]<icewizardshimst| C ]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE WIZARD SHIMS THENCE-->(click: ?icewizardshimst)[(replace: ?word4)[THENCE] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ICE WIZARD HINTS-->(click: ?icewizardh)[(replace: ?word3)[HINTS] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [S]<icewizardhintss| H E M E C ]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE WIZARD HINTS SCHEME-->(click: ?icewizardhintss)[(replace: ?word4)[SCHEME] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ICE MAZE-->(click: ?icem)[(replace: ?word2)[MAZE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<icemazes| D I S N H R [H]<icemazeh| E T C [W]<icemazew|]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE MAZE HINDERS-->(click: ?icemazeh)[(replace: ?word3)[HINDERS] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<icemazehinderss| H T C W ]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE MAZE HINDERS SWITCH-->(click: ?icemazehinderss)[(replace: ?word4)[SWITCH] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ICE MAZE WINDS-->(click: ?icemazew)[(replace: ?word3)[WINDS] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H R [H]<icemazewindsh| E T C ]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE MAZE WINDS HITCHERS-->(click: ?icemazewindsh)[(replace: ?word4)[HITCHERS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ICE MAZE SHREWD-->(click: ?icemazes)[(replace: ?word3)[SHREWD] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I I S N H T [C]<icemazeshrewdc| ]<letters| ] ]<!--ICE MAZE SHREWD CHITINS-->(click: ?icemazeshrewdc)[(replace: ?word4)[CHITINS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ETCH-->(click: ?e)[(replace: ?word1)[ETCH] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z I S D I S N H R H E M I A [C]<etchc| E [W]<etchw|]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH WIZARD-->(click: ?etchw)[(replace: ?word2)[WIZARD] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S [S]<etchwizards| N [H]<etchwizardh| E M I [C]<etchwizardc| E ]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH WIZARD HISS-->(click: ?etchwizardh)[(replace: ?word3)[HISS] (replace: ?letters)[ [ N E M [I]<etchwizardhissi| C E ]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH WIZARD HISS ICEMEN-->(click: ?etchwizardhissi)[(replace: ?word4)[ICEMEN] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ETCH WIZARD SHINES-->(click: ?etchwizards)[(replace: ?word3)[SHINES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [M]<etchwizardsshinem| C E ]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH WIZARD SHINES MICE-->(click: ?etchwizardsshinem)[(replace: ?word4)[MICE] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ETCH WIZARD CHI-->(click: ?etchwizardc)[(replace: ?word3)[CHI] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S S [N]<etchwizardchin| E M E ]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH WIZARD SHINES MICE-->(click: ?etchwizardchin)[(replace: ?word4)[NEMESIS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ETCH CAIRN-->(click: ?etchc)[(replace: ?word2)[CAIRN] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [Z]<etchcairnz| I S [D]<etchcairnd| I [S]<etchcairns| H E M E W]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH CAIRN DEMISES-->(click: ?etchcairnd)[(replace: ?word3)[DEMISES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z I H [W]<etchcairndemisesw|]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH CAIRN DEMISES WHIZ-->(click: ?etchcairndemisesw)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIZ] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ETCH CAIRN SEIZED-->(click: ?etchcairns)[(replace: ?word3)[SEIZED] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S I H M [W]<etchcairnseizedw|]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH CAIRN SEIZED WHIMS-->(click: ?etchcairnseizedw)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIMS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ETCH CAIRN ZED-->(click: ?etchcairnz)[(replace: ?word3)[ZED] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S I S H E M [W]<etchcairnzedw|]<letters| ] ]<!--ETCH CAIRN SEIZED WHIMSIES-->(click: ?etchcairnzedw)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIMSIES] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ZEN-->(click: ?z)[(replace: ?word1)[ZEN] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<zens| D I S H R H E M [C]<zenc| I A T C E W]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN SCHEMATIC-->(click: ?zens)[(replace: ?word2)[SCHEMATIC] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I D [I]<zenschematici| S [R]<zenschematicr| [H]<zenschematich| E W]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN SCHEMATIC RIDE-->(click: ?zenschematicr)[(replace: ?word3)[RIDE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H [W]<zenschematicridew| ]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN SCHEMATIC RIDE WISH-->(click: ?zenschematicridew)[(replace: ?word4)[WISH] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ZEN SCHEMATIC HID-->(click: ?zenschematich)[(replace: ?word3)[HID] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S R E [W]<zenschematichidw|]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN SCHEMATIC HID WIRES-->(click: ?zenschematichidw)[(replace: ?word4)[WIRES] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ZEN SCHEMATIC ID-->(click: ?zenschematici)[(replace: ?word3)[ID] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S R H E [W]<zenschematicidw| ]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN SCHEMATIC ID WISHER-->(click: ?zenschematicidw)[(replace: ?word4)[WISHER] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ZEN CACHES-->(click: ?zenc)[(replace: ?word2)[CACHES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [D]<zencachesd| I S R H M I [T]<zencachest| E [W]<zencachesw|]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN CACHES TIDIER-->(click: ?zencachest)[(replace: ?word3)[TIDIER] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H M [W]<zencachestidierw|]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN CACHES TIDIER WHIMS-->(click: ?zencachestidierw)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIMS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ZEN CACHES DIMWIT-->(click: ?zencachesd)[(replace: ?word3)[DIMWIT] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S R [H]<zencachesdimwith| E ]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN CACHES DIMWIT HEIRS-->(click: ?zencachesdimwith)[(replace: ?word4)[HEIRS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--ZEN CACHES WEIRD-->(click: ?zencachesw)[(replace: ?word3)[WEIRD] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H M [I]<zencachesweirdi| T ]<letters| ] ]<!--ZEN CACHES WEIRD ISTHMI-->(click: ?zencachesweirdi)[(replace: ?word4)[ISTHMI] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--WEIRD-->(click: ?w)[(replace: ?word1)[WEIRD] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z I S I S N H [H]<weirdh| E [M]<weirdm| C A T C E ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD HAZE-->(click: ?weirdh)[(replace: ?word2)[HAZE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<weirdhazes| I S N H [M]<weirdhazem| C T [C]<weirdhazec| E ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD HAZE CINCHES-->(click: ?weirdhazec)[(replace: ?word3)[CINCHES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S [M]<weirdhazecinchesm| T ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD HAZE CINCHES MIST-->(click: ?weirdhazecinchesm)[(replace: ?word4)[MIST] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--WEIRD HAZE SCENIC-->(click: ?weirdhazes)[(replace: ?word3)[SCENIC] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<wierdhazescenics| H [M]<wierdhazem| T ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD HAZE CINCHES SMITH-->(click: ?wierdhazescenics)[(replace: ?word4)[SMITH] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--WEIRD HAZE MINCES-->(click: ?weirdhazem)[(replace: ?word3)[MINCES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H [C]<weirdhazemincesc| T ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD HAZE MINCES CHITS-->(click: ?weirdhazemincesc)[(replace: ?word4)[CHITS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--WEIRD MAZES-->(click: ?weirdm)[(replace: ?word2)[MAZES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [I]<weirdmazesi| [S]<weirdmazess| I [N]<weirdmazesn| H H C T C E ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD MAZES NICHE-->(click: ?weirdmazesn)[(replace: ?word3)[NICHE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S I H T [C]<weirdmazesnichec| ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD MAZES NICHE CHITS-->(click: ?weirdmazesnichec)[(replace: ?word4)[CHITS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--WEIRD MAZES ITCH-->(click: ?weirdmazesi)[(replace: ?word3)[ITCH] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S I [N]<weirdmazesitchn| H C E ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD MAZES ITCH NICHES-->(click: ?weirdmazesitchn)[(replace: ?word4)[NICHES] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--WEIRD MAZES SINCE-->(click: ?weirdmazess)[(replace: ?word3)[SINCE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I H [H]<weirdmazessinceh| C T ]<letters| ] ]<!--WEIRD MAZES SINCE HITCH-->(click: ?weirdmazessinceh)[(replace: ?word4)[HITCH] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--TZAR-->(click: ?t)[(replace: ?word1)[TZAR] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<tzars| D I S N H H E M [C]<tzarc| I E C E W]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR SCIENCE-->(click: ?tzars)[(replace: ?word2)[SCIENCE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [S]<tzarsciences| D I H [H]<tzarscienceh| E M [W]<tzarsciencew|]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR SCIENCE HIDES-->(click: ?tzarscienceh)[(replace: ?word3)[HIDES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I H M [W]<tzarsciencehidesw| ]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR SCIENCE HIDES WHIM-->(click: ?tzarsciencehidesw)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIM] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--TZAR SCIENCE SHIED-->(click: ?tzarsciences)[(replace: ?word3)[SHIED] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I H M [W]<tzarscienceshiedw|]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR SCIENCE SHIED WHIM-->(click: ?tzarscienceshiedw)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIM] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--TZAR SCIENCE WISHED-->(click: ?tzarsciencew)[(replace: ?word3)[WISHED] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [H]<tzarsciencewishedh| M ]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR SCIENCE WISHED HIM-->(click: ?tzarsciencewishedh)[(replace: ?word4)[HIM] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--TZAR CHIDES-->(click: ?tzarc)[(replace: ?word2)[CHIDES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I [I]<tzarchidesi| S [N]<tzarchidesn| H [M]<tzarchidesm| E C E W]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR CHIDES ICEMEN-->(click: ?tzarchidesi)[(replace: ?word3)[ICEMEN] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H [W]<tzarchidesicemenw|]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR CHIDES ICEMEN WISH-->(click: ?tzarchidesicemenw)[(replace: ?word4)[WISH] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--TZAR CHIDES NIECE-->(click: ?tzarchidesn)[(replace: ?word3)[NIECE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S H M [W]<tzarchidesniecew|]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR CHIDES NIECE WHIMS-->(click: ?tzarchidesniecew)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIMS] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--TZAR CHIDES MICE-->(click: ?tzarchidesm)[(replace: ?word3)[MICE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ I S N H E [W]<tzarchidesmicew|]<letters| ] ]<!--TZAR CHIDES MICE WHINES-->(click: ?tzarchidesmicew)[(replace: ?word4)[WHINES] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--MACHINE-->(click: ?m)[(replace: ?word1)[MACHINE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z I S [D]<machined| S R H E I T C E [W]<machinew|]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE WITCH-->(click: ?machinew)[(replace: ?word2)[WITCH] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z [I]<machinewitchi| [S]<machinewitchs| D S [R]<machinewitchr| E E]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE WITCH RED-->(click: ?machinewitchr)[(replace: ?word3)[RED] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z I [S]<machinewitchreds| S E ]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE WITCH RED SIZES-->(click: ?machinewitchreds)[(replace: ?word4)[SIZES] (replace: ?letters)[] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--MACHINE WITCH IRES-->(click: ?machinewitchi)[(replace: ?word3)[IRES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [Z]<machinewitchiresz| D S E]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE WITCH IRES ZEDS-->(click: ?machinewitchiresz)[(replace: ?word4)[ZEDS] (replace: ?letters)[] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--MACHINE WITCH SIRES-->(click: ?machinewitchs)[(replace: ?word3)[SIRES] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S [Z]<machinewitchsiresz| D E]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE WITCH SIRES ZEDS-->(click: ?machinewitchsiresz)[(replace: ?word4)[ZEDS] (replace: ?letters)[] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--MACHINE DISC-->(click: ?machined)[(replace: ?word2)[DISC] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [Z]<machinediscz| S [R]<machinediscr| [H]<machinedisch| E I T E W]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE DISC RESET-->(click: ?machinediscr)[(replace: ?word3)[RESET] (replace: ?letters)[ [ Z H I [W]<machinediscresetw| ]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE DISC RESET WHIZ-->(click: ?machinediscresetw)[(replace: ?word4)[WHIZ] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--MACHINE DISC ZITHERS-->(click: ?machinediscz)[(replace: ?word3)[ZITHERS] (replace: ?letters)[ [E [W]<machinedisczithersw|]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE DISC ZITHERS WE-->(click: ?machinedisczithersw)[(replace: ?word4)[WE] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")]<!--MACHINE DISC HERTZ-->(click: ?machinedisch)[(replace: ?word3)[HERTZ] (replace: ?letters)[ [ S I E [W]<machinedischertzw|]<letters| ] ]<!--MACHINE DISC HERTZ WISE-->(click: ?machinedischertzw)[(replace: ?word4)[WISE] (replace: ?letters)[] (display: "clothsackagain")](set: $sawlock to "true")(if: $boxopen is "true")[(goto: "box unlocked")] (if: $key is "false")[Though the desk is a true artifact of the ancient world, the drawer and its lock are more recent additions, and built of sturdier stuff. You will need the key to open it. [[Back->private chamber]].](if: $key is "true")[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - motif-a', false);" /></div>Your key fits perfectly, and the drawer slides open. Inside you discover a wind-up [music box]<musicbox|(if: $agora is 0)[ and a folded [white coat]<whitecoat|].(click: ?musicbox)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ You turn the crank on the music box. It plays, but you don't remember the song.]](click: ?whitecoat)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ A lab coat. Stitched into the collar is a name, [Dubois]<dubois|.]](click: ?dubois)[ Lore: (live: 1s)[ [$GoodText[On.]]<On1| (stop:)](live: 1.5s)[(replace: ?On1)[$AlertText[Error. Corruption Detected.] A memory here, so close you can almost touch it.](stop:)]] [[Back->private chamber]].(set: $boxopen to "true")](set: $sawlock to "true")(if: $boxopen is "true")[(goto: "box unlocked")] (if: $key is "false")[The panel in the wall is plainly visible, and though you are regent here, you do not seem to possess the key. [[Back->private chamber]].](if: $key is "true")[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - motif-a', false);" /></div>Your key fits perfectly, and the safe door pops open. Inside you discover a wind-up [music box]<musicbox|(if: $agora is 0)[ and a folded [white coat]<whitecoat|].(click: ?musicbox)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ You turn the crank on the music box. It plays, but you don't remember the song.]](click: ?whitecoat)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ A lab coat. Stitched into the collar is a name, [Dubois]<dubois|.]](click: ?dubois)[ Lore: (live: 1s)[ [$GoodText[On.]]<On1| (stop:)](live: 1.5s)[(replace: ?On1)[$AlertText[Error. Corruption Detected.] A memory here, so close you can almost touch it.](stop:)]] [[Back->private chamber]].(set: $boxopen to "true")](if: $proteincon is "false" and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $childcount > 0))[(goto: "stasis pod conversation")] The blue goop of your protein bath has grown pale and cool. The thought of crawling back in makes you shiver. [[Return->control room intruder check]].(if: $viewportcon is "false" and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $childcount > 0))[(goto: "viewport conversation")] (if: $time is "night")[(if: $cr is 0)[From a great bonelike spire, ](if: $cr is 1)[From a great crystal spire, ](if: $cr is 2)[Through a translucent scale on the great dome above the control room, ]you see the ruined valley below. Dust clouds billow in the poisoned air, and hulking beasts crouch in the shadows of the hills.(if: (history:)'s length <= 30)[ Is it your imagination, or does a lone figure move toward the Makoian, goggles flashing in the light of the gibbous moon?](if: (history:)'s length > 30 and < 40)[ You see movement on the rocky slope at the base of the Makoian. Someone is drawing near.]](if: $time is "day")[(if: $cr is 0)[From a great bonelike spire, ](if: $cr is 1)[From a great crystal spire, ](if: $cr is 2)[Through a translucent scale on the great dome above the control room, ]you see the ruined valley below. Dust clouds billow in the poisoned air, and hulking beasts fight under a red sun.] [[Back down->control room intruder check]].<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - suspense-a', false);" /></div>(set: $intruder to "true")(set: $intrudercount to 1) (if: $cr is 0)[Neural passageways in the walls of the control room ignite with a warning.](if: $cr is 1)[The crystalline walls of the control room glow bright with a warning.](if: $cr is 2)[Mycelia in the control room floor glow bright with a warning.] The displays above the [[instrument panels]] flicker to life. (if: $intruder is "true")[(goto: "intruder panel")](set: $systemstatus to ($network) + ($agora) + ($fabricators) + ($power)) (if: $cr is 0)[Nerve clusters glow under your touch as the biotic display flashes with systems diagnostics.](if: $cr is 1)[Crystalline switches glow under your touch as the glass display flashes with systems diagnostics.](if: $cr is 2)[Basidiomata glow under your touch as the mycelial display flashes with systems diagnostics.] (if: $network is 0)[Network ([[info->explainnetwork]]) $AlertText[Down] ](if: $network is 1)[Network ([[info->explainnetwork]]) $GoodText[Online]] (if: $agora is 0)[Agora ([[info->explainagora]]) $AlertText[Down] ](if: $agora is 1)[Agora ([[info->explainagora]]) $GoodText[Online]] (if: $fabricators is 0 and (if: $power is 0))[Fabricators ([[info->explainfabricators]]) $AlertText[Unresponsive] ](if: $fabricators is 1 and (if: $fabpro is "true"))[Fabricators ([[info->explainfabricators]]) $GoodText[Online]](if: $fabricators is 0 and (if: $power is 1))[Fabricators ([[info->explainfabricators]]) Partially Operational] (if: $power is 0)[Power ([[info->explainpower]]) $AlertText[Auxiliary] ](if: $power is 1)[Power ([[info->explainpower]]) $GoodText[Online]] (if: $systemstatus is 0)[[[Not good->control room]].](if: $systemstatus is 1)[[[Better->control room]].](if: $systemstatus is 2)[[[Getting there->control room]].](if: $systemstatus is 3)[[[Almost->control room]].](if: $systemstatus is 4)[[[Finally->control room]].] (if: $power is 1)[(goto: "Make something")](if: $childfabricators is "true")[(goto: "Make something")](if: $fabricators is 1)[(goto: "Make something")] Sleek gray machines stand in a U-shaped curve near the center of the fabrication chamber. The Makoian, desperate to repair its systems, must have dispatched laries to the fabricators with instructions to prepare patches and replacement parts. The results are not good. The floor is littered with misshapen devices and widgets, along with the twitching, broken laries that made them. [[The machines->gray machines]] are quiet. [[Leave->corridors]].(if: (history:) contains "make private chamber")[(goto: "private chamber")](else:)[(goto: "make private chamber")]|options>[[[Again->cloth sack]]. [Enough]<enough|.](click: ?enough)[(set: $sack to "false")(replace: ?options)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ You tuck the cloth sack away. Maybe it will come in handy [[later->private chamber]].]]](if: $agora is 1)[(goto: "new wing here")](if: $power is 1)[(goto: "power back on")](if: $childsolar is "true" and (if: (history:)'s length > ($childsolarcount + 6)))[(goto: "solar repaired")](if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $childcount > 3 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $concount < 5))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount > 0))[(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount >= 10))[(goto: "solar encounter")](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount < 10))[(goto: "solar watch")] (if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $z to (random: 1, 3))(if: $z is 3)[(display: "child rndm") ]](if: $child is "false")[The remains of decomposing laries crunch softly under your feet. ](if: $child is "true" and (if: $childsolar is "false"))[The laries have already repaired the hatch, fusing it back into place with their own bodies. ]Through a small window in the hatch to the outside world, you see the great panels of the solar array. (if: $childsolar is "false")[All but a few of the panels have been dismantled—carted away by scavengers, probably. The rest have been covered by a cancerous outgrowth of the Makoian's own structure, (if: $cr is 0)[a hardened, scabrous mass of renegade cells.](if: $cr is 1)[a milky, scabrous crust of rogue minerals.](if: $cr is 2)[a heavy gray mass of scaly fibers.]](if: $childsolar is "true")[The child is out there, working away at the (if: $cr is 0)[hardened, scabrous masses](if: $cr is 1)[milky, scabrous crust](if: $cr is 2)[heavy gray mass of scaly fibers] with her hammer and chisel.] (if: $hatch is not "sealed")[ [Open the hatch]<open|[.]<period|] [[Return->corridors]]. (click: ?open)[(set: $sawpanels to "true")(if: $prybar is "true")[(goto: "pry hatch")](if: $prybar is "false")[(replace: ?period)[](replace: ?open)[(t8n: "dissolve")[The door is jammed. Maybe if you had something to pry it open? Or two arms?] ]]] (if: (history:)'s last is "Agora")[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.stop();" /></div>](if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $childcount > 3 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $concount < 5))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount > 0))[(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount is 10))[ (display: "crash") ](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount > 10))[(goto: "corridor encounter")] (if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $z to (random: 1, 3))(if: $z is 3)[(display: "child rndm") ]](if: $power is 0)[(if: $cr is 0)[A dark hallway, damp and smelling of rot, leads to the [[solar array]] at the east end of the facility.](if: $cr is 1)[A narrow hallway, its quartz walls dim, leads to the [[solar array]] at the west end of the facility.](if: $cr is 2)[A dark hallway, damp and smelling of rot, leads to the [[solar array]] at the west end of the facility.] (if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount < 10))[ You see blue-white flashes of light down there.]](if: $power is 1)[The hall to the [[solar array]] is now brightly illuminated.] A nearby chamber houses the Makoian's modest [[fabrication]] equipment. [[Network control]] is accessible via a winding (if: $cr is 0)[bone](if: $cr is 1)[crystal](if: $cr is 2)[granite] staircase that leads deep into the earth. A broad corridor (if: $cr is 0)[lined with spinal ridges](if: $cr is 1)[of darkly glittering mica](if: $cr is 2)[lined with dark fungal gills] connects this part of the Makoian to the [[Agora]]. A curved ramp leads back up to the [[control room->control room intruder check]]. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Laries', true);" /></div>(set: $lariesfeelings to 0) As you leave the control room, a swarm of laries descends upon you. You've forgotten so much, but you remember the [[laries->first corridors2]].(set: $lariesfeelings to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $lariesfeelings is 0)[≪itch and sneeze≫](else-if: $lariesfeelings is 1)[≪conscious of your superiority≫](else-if: $lariesfeelings is 2)[≪feel less alone≫](click-replace: ?lariesfeelings1)[(display: "first corridors cycle")] Clumps of protocells granted deep algorithms by the Makoian, the laries perform repair and reconnaissance, hithering and thithering. They are built from the same material as the facility itself, and they look like (if: $cr is 0)[fat, furry moths.](if: $cr is 1)[gossamer balls of densely woven thread.](if: $cr is 2)[gray, puffy spores.] The laries have always made you [≪itch and sneeze≫]<lariesfeelings1|. (click-replace: ?lariesfeelings1)[(display: "first corridors cycle")] [[Yes, always->first corridors3]].(if: $lariesfeelings is 0)(if: $lariesfeelings is 1)[(set: $disdain to (it + .5))](if: $lariesfeelings is 2)[(set: $humanity to (it + .5))] Now something seems to have panicked the poor dears. You have never seen so many in one place before. The laries flit and fuss about your head, jumbling your thoughts and getting in your way. [ (display: "lgen") ]<l2|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l1|[You scatter them]<scatter|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l3|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l7|(click: ?scatter)[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.stop();" /></div> (t8n: "dissolve")[ [with your]<with|] (replace: ?l5)[ ](replace: ?l3)[ ] ][ (display: "lgen") ]<l4|(click: ?with)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [one]<one|] (replace: ?l7)[ ](replace: ?l2)[ ] ](click: ?one)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [hand]<hand|,] (replace: ?l4)[ ](replace: ?l6)[ ] ][ (display: "lgen") ]<l5|(click: ?hand)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [clearing a path]<clearing|.] (replace: ?l1)[](replace: ?l7)[ ]][ (display: "lgen") ]<l6|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l8|(click: ?clearing)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [[Proceed->corridors]]. ](replace: ?l8)[ ](replace: ?l9)[ ] ](set: $circlenumber to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))(display: "lgentwo") Brushing away laries ((if: $cr is 0)[their soft wings flutter at your touch](if: $cr is 1)[their fibers pulse yellow at your touch](if: $cr is 2)[they exhale little clouds of blue dust]), you see (if: $cr is 0)[rows of dendritic cells](if: $cr is 1)[a matrix of crystalline threads](if: $cr is 2)[clusters of mycorrhizal fibers] hanging limp in the gray glow of the sleeping network. You can just make out the central link, and it is burned out, the contacts blackened. On the ground beneath it is [your arm]<arm|. (click: ?arm)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ The laries must have removed the limb and carried it back there in an attempt to fix the network with [material from your body]<material|.]] (click: ?material)[ Yes, very clever. [Get arm]<getarm|[.]<period|](click: ?getarm)[ (if: $childaway is "false" and (if: $concount > 0))[(goto: "child gets arm")](else:)[(replace: ?getarm)[(t8n: "dissolve")[It is far out of your reach(if: $weapon is "true")[, even using your $weap]. ] (replace: ?period)[] ]]] [[Return->corridors]]. (if: $network is 1 and (if: $power is 1))[You feel the hum of the Makoian's thinking again. It is your thinking; you and the facility are one and the same. At the edges of the network, flickers of light from distant systems: in time, maybe, they too will know you by name again.](if: $network is 0 and (if: $power is 0))[You can almost remember what it was like, your mind connected to the Makoian, and to thousands of cities across the globe. All dark now.](if: $network is 1 and (if: $power is 0))[You can almost remember what it was like, your mind connected to the Makoian, the Makoian to smaller facilities like it, and to thousands and thousands of cities across the globe. But the network still requires power to run.](if: $network is 0 and (if: $power is 1))[You can almost remember what it was like, your mind connected to the Makoian, and to thousands and thousands of cities across the globe. All dark now.] [[Back->instrument panels]]. The jewel of the Makoian, once a virtual meeting place for millions of human souls. You remember the buzzing warmth of schematics in transit, of conversations in dozens of languages, of laughter and kinship. (if: $power is 0 and (if: $network is 0))[But the Agora requires power to weave its connections, and its foundation is the network for which the Makoian serves as hub. ](if: $power is 1 and (if: $network is 0))[Though power is restored, the Agora's foundation is the network for which the Makoian serves as hub. ](if: $power is 0 and (if: $network is 1))[Though the network is restored, the Agora still requires power to weave its connections. ](if: $power is 1 and (if: $network is 1))[With both power and network restored, the Agora is now operational, but you sense that some piece is still missing. ] [[Return->instrument panels]]. A modest system in comparison to those of most cities, the fabrication machines of the Makoian are used for minor tasks of manufacture, and for the testing of new designs. [[Back->instrument panels]].(set: $sawsolar to "false") An array of solar panels built on the slope to the east power the facility. (if: $power is 0)[Reserve cells are the only thing keeping the control room alive now.](if: (history:) contains "solar array")[(set: $sawsolar to "true")](if: $sawsolar is "false" and (if: $power is 0))[ What caused the grid to go dark?](if: $power is 1)[ You can feel the Makoian's power cells charging.] [[Return->instrument panels]].(if: $fabricators is 1)[(goto: "Make something")] Most of the fabricators have been run into the ground by the desperate [laries]<laries|.(click: ?laries)[(append: ?laries)[ (the machines were not built with them in mind)]] A few of the smaller units still appear functional, however, and the material bins are not entirely depleted. (if: $power is 0)[The machines will not run without power. The consequences are difficult to predict, but you could [[divert energy from the control room]]. ](if: $power is 1 or (if: $fabrication is 1))[ [[Make something]]. ] [[Leave->corridors]].(if: $childfabricators is "true" and (if: (history:)'s length > ($childfabricatorscount + 8)))[(goto: "fabricators repaired")](if: $power is 1 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $network is 1) and (if: $fabricators is 0))[(goto: "child repairs fabrication")](if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $childcount > 3 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $concount < 5))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount > 0))[(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))](if: $intruder is "true" and (if: $intrudercount is 10))[ (display: "crash") ](if: $sawpanels is "true" and (if: $prybar is "false"))[(set: $pryswitch to 1)](if: $key is "false" and (if: $sawlock is "true"))[(set: $keyswitch to 1)](if: $makechildclothes is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $childclothesswitch to 1)](if: $makechildbauble is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $childbaubleswitch to 1)](if: $fabricators is 1 and (if: $granddesign is "false") and (if: $fabpro is "true"))[(set: $prototypeswitch to 1)](if: $weapontype is 0)[(set: $weap to "serrated axe")](if: $weapontype is 1)[(set: $weap to "stone cudgel")](if: $weapontype is 2)[(set: $weap to "chitin blade")](if: $clothingtype is 0)[(set: $cloth to "flowing silver gown")](if: $clothingtype is 1)[(set: $cloth to "glassine carapace")](if: $clothingtype is 2)[(set: $cloth to "hooded robe")] (if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $z to (random: 1, 3))(if: $z is 3)[(display: "child rndm") ]](if: $childfabricators is "false" and (if: $fabpro is "false"))[The working machines are suitable for the crafting of simple tools. (if: $baub is "none" or (if: $clothing is "false") or (if: $weapon is "false") or (if: $pryswitch is 1) or (if: $keyswitch is 1) or (if: $childclothesswitch is 1) or (if: $childbaubleswitch is 1) or (if: $prototypeswitch is 1))[Fabricationist, what will you make?]](if: $fabricators is 1 and (if: $childfabricators is "false") and (if: $fabpro is "true"))[All the machines are humming with life and eager to begin.(if: $baub is "none" or (if: $clothing is "false") or (if: $weapon is "false") or (if: $pryswitch is 1) or (if: $keyswitch is 1) or (if: $childclothesswitch is 1) or (if: $childbaubleswitch is 1) or (if: $prototypeswitch is 1))[ Fabricationist, what will you make?]](if: $childfabricators is "true")[The child, her tools scattered around the room, moves from machine to machine, making repairs. When a greater fabricator requires a new part, she crafts it on one of the lesser machines. You cannot help but admire her ingenuity. (if: $childfabricators is "true" and (if: $power is 1))[(if: $baub is "none" or (if: $clothing is "false") or (if: $weapon is "false") or (if: $pryswitch is 1) or (if: $keyswitch is 1) or (if: $childclothesswitch is 1) or (if: $childbaubleswitch is 1) or (if: $prototypeswitch is 1))[Fabricationist, will you make something? ]Have you decided to [[help the child after all->"Then I shall work by your side."]]?]] (if: $sawpanels is "true" and (if: $prybar is "false"))[ [[A pry bar]]. ](if: $key is "false" and (if: $sawlock is "true"))[ [[A key]]. ](if: $weapon is "false")[ [[A weapon]]. ](if: $makechildclothes is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[ [[New clothes for the child]]. ](if: $makechildbauble is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[ [[A bauble for the child]]. ](if: $fabricators is 1 and (if: $granddesign is "false") and (if: $fabpro is "true"))[ [[An advanced prototype]]. ](if: $clothing is "false")[ [[Clothing]]. ](if: $baub is "none")[ [[A bauble]]. ] [[Return->corridors]]. (set: $fabricators to 1)(set: $controlroompower to "false") The (if: $cr is 0)[ganglia](if: $cr is 1)[halides](if: $cr is 2)[mycelia] in the ceiling glow, and the few working fabricators rattle awake. This seems to have worked. [[Proceed->Make something]].(set: $prybar to "true")(set: $pryswitch to 0) Tapered at one end, heavy at the other. The pry bar is made of the Makoian's sturdiest polymers. [[Good->Make something]].(set: $weapon to "true") For the maker of things, an unmaker. What you desire is [≪a serrated axe of umber horn≫]<weapon|.(click-replace: ?weapon)[(display: "weapon cycle")] [Yes]<yes|.(click-replace: ?yes)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ You make it, and it is yours. [[Good->Make something]]]] Well, and why not? Perhaps a [≪beast figurine≫]<bauble| will do.(click-replace: ?bauble)[(display: "bauble cycle")] [Yes]<yes|.(click-replace: ?yes)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Yes, and what kind? (if: $baubletype is 0)[[A hippogriff with wings spread]<hippogriff|. [A thoughtful tortoise]<tortoise|. [A grinning lemur]<lemur|. [A dragon with a spiked tail]<dragon|. [A sleek cat, slinking]<cat|. [A fine fat fish]<fish|](if: $baubletype is 1)[[An armlet of tiny prisms]<armlet|. [A braided paper diadem]<diadem|. [An amethyst hairpin]<hairpin|. [A shining agate ring]<ring|](if: $baubletype is 2)[[A Queen]<queen|. [A King]<king|. [A Bishop]<bishop|. [A Knight]<knight|. [A Rook]<rook|. [A Pawn]<pawn|]]] (set: $bauble to "true") (click: ?hippogriff)[(set: $baub to "bold hippogriff figurine")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?tortoise)[(set: $baub to "thoughtful tortoise figurine")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?lemur)[(set: $baub to "grinning lemur figurine")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?dragon)[(set: $baub to "spike-tailed dragon figurine")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?cat)[(set: $baub to "slinking cat figurine")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?fish)[(set: $baub to "fat fish figurine")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?armlet)[(set: $baub to "armlet of prisms")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?diadem)[(set: $baub to "braided diadem")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?hairpin)[(set: $baub to "dark purple hairpin")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?ring)[(set: $baub to "agate ring")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?king)[(set: $baub to "king chess piece")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?queen)[(set: $baub to "queen chess piece")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?bishop)[(set: $baub to "bishop chess piece")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?knight)[(set: $baub to "knight chess piece")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?rook)[(set: $baub to "rook chess piece")(goto: "bauble end")] (click: ?pawn)[(set: $baub to "pawn chess piece")(goto: "bauble end")](set: $key to "true")(set: $keyswitch to 0) Strange. You cannot remember what you did with the key you once possessed. But you remember the key itself, down to its finest ridges, the depth of its grooves, its weight in your palm. [Make this]<yes|.(click-replace: ?yes)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You fashion the key back into being. [[Good->Make something]]]](set: $clothing to "true") You require a garment suitable to your office. What you have in mind is [≪a fine silver gown, flowing like water≫]<clothing|. (click-replace: ?clothing)[(display: "clothing cycle")] [Yes]<yes|.(click-replace: ?yes)[(t8n: "dissolve")[This will do. [[Back->Make something]]]](set: $weapontype to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $weapontype is 0)[≪a serrated axe of umber horn≫](else-if: $weapontype is 1)[≪a cudgel of blood-red stone≫](else-if: $weapontype is 2)[≪a blade of darkly gleaming chitin≫](click-replace: ?weapon)[(display: "weapon cycle")](set: $clothingtype to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $clothingtype is 0)[≪a fine silver gown, flowing like water≫](else-if: $clothingtype is 1)[≪a carapace of glassine panes≫](else-if: $clothingtype is 2)[≪a hooded sackcloth robe≫](click-replace: ?clothing)[(display: "clothing cycle")] (if: $intrudercount is 1)[The images are dim, a live feed from outside the facility. You see the hatch at the east end of the Makoian. You see the shadows of the solar panels. (if: (history:) contains "viewport")[(set: $sawchild to "true")](if: $sawchild is "true")[And you see the hooded figure you glimpsed from the viewport drawing near, face concealed by goggles and a breathing mask.](if: $sawchild is "false")[And you see a hooded figure drawing near, face concealed by goggles and a breathing mask.] The stranger's body is covered completely by a suit made from patches of hide and heavy fabric, and reinforced with pieces of scrap metal. [[Wait and watch]]. [[Return->control room intruder check]].](if: $intrudercount is 2)[You watch the display. The stranger unslings a backpack and sets it on the ground, then begins to rummage through its contents. [[Wait and watch]]. [[Return->control room intruder check]].](if: $intrudercount is 3)[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Intruder-A', false);" /></div>You watch the display. The stranger removes a large, bulky object from the backpack. You recognize it as a plasma cutter. [[Wait and watch]]. [[Return->control room intruder check]].](if: $intrudercount > 3 and (if: $intrudercount < 10))[You watch the display. The stranger is cutting into the hatch with a plasma cutter, the blue-white flame flashing in their round goggle lenses. [[Wait and watch]]. [[Return->control room intruder check]].](if: $intrudercount is 10)[You watch the display. The stranger finishes cutting, and the hatch falls. You hear a loud crash from the east end of the facility. [[Wait and watch]]. [[Return->control room intruder check]].](if: $intrudercount is 11)[You watch the display. The stranger sets down the plasma cutter and steps through the hole, into the Makoian. [[Wait and watch]]. [[Return->control room intruder check]].](if: $intrudercount > 11)[You watch the display. A plasma cutter is on the ground. The stranger is gone. [[Wait and watch]]. [[Return->control room intruder check]].] (set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))(goto: "intruder panel")(set: $baubletype to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $baubletype is 0)[≪beast figurine≫](else-if: $baubletype is 1)[≪piece of jewelry≫](else-if: $baubletype is 2)[≪chess piece≫](click-replace: ?bauble)[(display: "bauble cycle")] It takes you very little time to fashion the $baub, but it pleases you to make it. And to possess it. [[Back->Make something]].(set: $sawlock to "true")(if: $boxopen is "true")[(goto: "box unlocked")] (if: $key is "false")[You feel certain that you left something important in there. But you will need a key to open it. [[Back->private chamber]].](if: $key is "true")[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - motif-a', false);" /></div>Your key fits perfectly, and the door of the box pops open. Inside you discover a wind-up [music box]<musicbox|(if: $agora is 0)[ and a folded [white coat]<whitecoat|].(click: ?musicbox)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ You turn the crank on the music box. It plays, but you don't remember the song.]](click: ?whitecoat)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ A lab coat. Stitched into the collar is a name, [Dubois]<dubois|.]](click: ?dubois)[ Lore: (live: 1s)[ [$GoodText[On.]]<On1| (stop:)](live: 1.5s)[(replace: ?On1)[$AlertText[Error. Corruption Detected.] A memory here, so close you can almost touch it.](stop:)]] [[Back->private chamber]].(set: $boxopen to "true")] Inside is a [music box]<musicbox|(if: $agora is 0)[ and a folded [white coat]<whitecoat|].(click: ?musicbox)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ You turn the crank on the music box. It plays, but you don't remember the song.]](click: ?whitecoat)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ A lab coat. Stitched into the collar is a name, [Dubois]<dubois|.]](click: ?dubois)[ Lore: (live: 1s)[ [$GoodText[On.]]<On1| (stop:)](live: 1.5s)[(replace: ?On1)[$AlertText[Error. Corruption Detected.] A memory here, so close you can almost touch it.](stop:)]] [[Back->private chamber]]. (if: $childfabricators is "true")[(goto: "Make something")](if: $fabricators is 1)[(goto: "Make something")](if: $power is 1)[(goto: "Make something")](if: (history:) contains "fabrication" and (if: $fabricators is 0) and (if: $childfabricators is "false"))[(goto: "gray machines")](if: (history:) does not contain "fabrication"))[(goto: "fabrication")]<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - suspense-a', false);" /></div>(set: $priedhatchonce to "true") With your weight behind the pry bar, you lever open the hatch(if: $triedsolar is "true")[again]. The air outside is acrid and strange. Fires burn in the hills, and smoke covers the moon.(if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[ The child puts on her goggles and breathing mask. She follows you outside.] [[Proceed to the solar panels->solar panels]]. [[Return->solar array]]. The air stings your skin as you trudge out among the solar panels. (if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[The child watches you, seemingly concerned.] You (if: $triedsolar is "false")[are surprised to] feel the tug of the Makoian's thoughts at the back of your mind(if: $triedsolar is "true")[ again].(if: $network is 0)[ Some faint connection, lit up out of desperation, threatening to snap. The facility is begging for you to return.](if: $network is 1)[ The Makoian, its network strong again, pleads for you to return.] [[Continue->solar panels 2]]. [[Return->solar array]]. Using the pry bar, you begin chipping away at the crust of (if: $cr is 0)[hardened](if: $cr is 1)[mineral](if: $cr is 2)[fibrous] scabs that the Makoian has spread over the panels(if: $triedsolar is "false")[, probably in some misguided attempt to repair or protect them.](if: $triedsolar is "true")[.](if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[ The child pulls a hammer and chisel from her backpack and starts to help.] The air out here is poisoning your body. Your distance from the facility turns to black ink in your mind. [[Keep working->solar panels 3]]. [[Return->solar array]]. (if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[Together, you and the child make progress, exhuming an entire panel. But the distance from the Makoian takes its toll(if: $triedsolar is "true")[ again], and your strength fails. When you fall, the child catches you. You are amazed by her strength as she carries you [[back inside]].](if: $child is "false" or (if: $childaway is "true"))[You have hacked away only a few chunks of heavy, rigid matter from one panel when your strength fails you and you fall to the ground. The moon appears from behind a cloud of smoke. You feel yourself [[float into the air]].](set: $triedsolar to "true") And you are floating, Fabricationist. On a bed of laries, come from the Makoian to fetch their brain back home. They set you down and seal the hatch with themselves, rejoining the walls of the structure. Soon you have strength to move again. [[Proceed->corridors]].(set: $cyclecount to (it + 1))(set: $clicker to (it + 1) % 6)(if: $clicker is 0)[(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen") [you push]<clicka|(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen")](else-if: $clicker is 1)[(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen") [them away]<clickb|(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen")](else-if: $clicker is 2)[(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen") [but the more]<clickc|(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen")](else-if: $clicker is 3)[(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen") [you push]<clickd|(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen")](else-if: $clicker is 4)[(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen") [the more]<clicke|(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen")](else-if: $clicker is 5)[(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen") [they multiply]<clickf|(display: "lgen")(display: "lgen")](if: $clicker is 0)[(click: ?clicka)[(display: "test cycle")]](if: $clicker is 1)[(click: ?clickb)[(display: "test cycle")]](if: $clicker is 2)[(click: ?clickc)[(display: "test cycle")]](if: $clicker is 3)[(click: ?clickd)[(display: "test cycle")]](if: $clicker is 4)[(click: ?clicke)[(display: "test cycle")]](if: $clicker is 5)[(click: ?clickf)[(display: "test cycle")]](if: $power is 1 and (if: $network is 1) and (if: $fabricators is 1) and (if: $cyclecount > 7) and (if: $concount > 4))[(goto: "agora end")](if: $circlecolor is 0)[(color: #660033 )[$circletype]](if: $circlecolor is 1)[(color: "white")[$circletype]](if: $circlecolor is 2)[(color: #66CCFF)[$circletype]](if: $circlenumber > 0)[(display: "lgentwo")](set: $circlecolor to (either: 0, 1, 2))(set: $circletype to (either: "◯", "⦾", "⬤", "⭗", "⭘", "⚬", "⏣"))(set: $circlenumber to (it - 1))(display: "laries print") (text-style: "blurrier")[In the cont ol room of t e Makoi n, (if: $cr is 0)[ochre l t f om min us ang ia s ines ow on r ws of ano d [[in tr men pane s->instrument panels broken]]].(if: $cr is 1)[silver l t f om ha de amp s ines ow on ow of pol ric [[in tr men pane s->instrument panels broken]].](if: $cr is 2)[ a e l t f om bi umin ce cel a hin s wn u n ro s of ch nous [[in tr men pane s->instrument panels broken]].] Your s ct m is in alco be ind t e s asis po . At t e op of spir s aircas is t e Ma an ol iewp rt. A [[ orr or->corridor check]] eads t o er pa ts f the fa ty.] (text-style: "blurrier")[(if: $cr is 0)[Never cl ers low un er yo r ouch a t e iot c splay ashes wit syst ms di nos cs.](if: $cr is 1)[Cry all ne itches g ow un er our ouch a the las disp ay ashes ith yste s iagn ics.](if: $cr is 2)[ rui ng odies low un er our ouch as t e ycel l dis y ashes with sy s di notics.] Network (info)] $AlertText[Breaking] (text-style: "blurrier")[Agora (info)] $AlertText[Dying] (text-style: "blurrier")[Fabricators (info)] $GoodText[Partially Operational] (text-style: "blurrier")[Power (info)] $AlertText[Going] (text-style: "blurrier")[ [R st re P wer t C trol R om]<restore|.(click: ?restore)[(set: $controlroompower to "true")(set: $fabricators to 0)(goto: "control room restore")] [[B ck->control room broken]].] (if: $controlroompower is "false")[(goto: "control room broken")](else:)[(if: (history:)'s length > 37 and (if: $intrudercount is 0))[(goto: "Intruder Start")](else:)[(goto: "control room")]](t8n: "shudder")[You hear a loud crash from the east end of the facility.]<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.stop();" /></div><div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.stop();" /></div> (if: $intrudercount is 10)[The hatch falls inward and hits the floor with a loud crash. ]You watch as the stranger sets down the plasma cutter, puts the backpack on, and steps inside, scrap metal clinking. In person, the masked figure seems smaller. Now is your chance to: [[Welcome this strange traveler->welcome]]. [[Imprison the intruder->imprison]]. [[Attack before you are seen->attack]].(if: $intrudercount is 10)[(goto: "solar encounter")](if: (history:)'s last is "corridors")[<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Intruder-A', false);" /></div>] Through the small window in the hatch to the solar array, you see the flash of a plasma gun. And on this side, you see the hot glow of the cutting fire. [[Wait and watch->solar wait]]. [[Leave->corridors]].(set: $intrudercount to (it + 1))(goto: "solar watch")(set: $humanity to (it + 1)) You step into view, and the stranger stops. Uncertain of how customs may have changed since you began your sleep, you settle upon an archaic greeting, and bow to your guest. The stranger removes the goggles and breathing mask, revealing the face of a human child. A girl, eleven or twelve years old. "Fabricationist," she says. Awkwardly mimicking your gesture, she bows deeply, backpack nearly sliding off her shoulder. |response>[["How dare you disturb my work, child?"]<op1| ["What brings you to my abode?"]<op2| ["Little one, you must be tired."]<op3|] (click: ?op1)[(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["How dare you disturb my work, child?" The girl takes a step back. "I'm sorry," she says. "We didn't know who else could help us. We didn't even know if you were real." [["Explain."->girl explains]]] ]](click: ?op2)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["What brings you to my abode?" The girl seems startled by the question. "You do," she says. "Though we didn't even know if you were real. [["Explain."->girl explains]]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $humanity to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Little one, you must be tired." "I'm not little," the girl snaps. Then, catching herself, she says, "But I have come a long way. And we we didn't even know if you were real." [["Explain."->girl explains]] ]]](set: $cruel to (it + 1)) You charge forward(if: $weapon is "true")[, swinging your $weap], catching the intruder unawares. (if: $weapon is "false")[The stranger recovers quickly, however, and yanks a wrench from a back pocket. You, one-armed and unarmed, are quickly overpowered. The stranger removes the goggles and breathing mask to reveal the face of a human child. A girl, eleven or twelve years old. "Fabricationist," she says. In her voice you sense a mix of fear and wonder.](if: $weapon is "true")[The stranger draws a wrench from a back pocket, but you knock it away with your weapon and quickly overpower your foe. In the scuffle, the goggles and breathing mask have fallen away, revealing the face of a human child. A girl, eleven or twelve years old. "Fabricationist," she says. In her voice you sense a mix of fear and wonder.] |response>[["How dare you disturb my work, child?"]<op1| ["What are you doing here?"]<op2|] (click: ?op1)[(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["How dare you disturb my work, child?" The girl takes a step back. "I'm sorry," she says. "We didn't know who else could help us. We didn't even know if you were real." [["Please explain."->girl explains]] ]]](click: ?op2)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["What are you doing here?" The girl seems startled by the question. "Looking for you," she says. "Though we didn't even know if you were real. [["Explain."->girl explains]] ]]]<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.stop();" /></div> The stranger enters the corridor from the east, scrap metal clinking. In person, the masked figure seems smaller. Now is your chance to: [[Welcome this strange traveler->welcome]]. [[Imprison the intruder->imprison]]. [[Attack before you are seen->attack]]. Her city, she says, is broken. Her people are killing one another, and those who do not kill one another die from sickness, hunger, starvation, grief. But her family had always told stories of the Fabricationist, weaving the world from within the chambers of [[a lonely castle on a hill]]. Unseen, you touch the wall. Even without the network to connect you to the Makoian, its body still knows your hand. (if: $cr is 0)[Bars of bone](if: $cr is 1)[Bars of crystal](if: $cr is 2)[Bars of chitin] erupt from between your fingers and spread through the corridor, quickly ensnaring your quarry. The stranger removes the goggles and breathing mask, revealing the face of a human child. A girl, eleven or twelve years old. "Fabricationist," she says. In her voice you sense a mix of fear and wonder. |response>[["How dare you disturb my work, child?"]<op1| ["What brings you to my abode?"]<op2|] (click: ?op1)[(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["How dare you disturb my work, child?" "I'm sorry," she says. "We didn't know who else could help us. We didn't even know if you were real." [["Explain."->girl explains]] ]]](click: ?op2)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["What brings you to my abode?" The child seems startled by the question. "You do," she says. "Though we didn't even know if you were real. [["Explain."->girl explains]] ]]] (set: $intruder to "false")(set: $intrudercount to -1)(set: $child to "true")(set: $childcount to 0)(set: $childaway to "false") (if: (history:) contains "imprison")[You touch the bars of the prison but they retreat only partway, and you and the child must break the rest by kicking at them. “Auxiliary power,” you explain. “I've heard of it,” she says.](if: (history:) contains "attack")[The child follows, but at a distance. She puts her wrench back in her pocket.](if: (history:) contains "welcome")[The child follows, keeping close to your side. You know that you must appear strange to her(if: $clothing is "true")[ in your $cloth], but she seems comfortable with your presence.] [[Proceed->corridors]]. You divert power away from the fabricators and back to the control room. It seems that no lasting damange has been done. Not this time. [[Proceed->control room]].(set: $x to (random: 1, 7))(if: $x is 1)[The child's tools clatter as she adjusts the backpack on her shoulder.](if: $x is 2)[The child wipes her goggles with a cloth.](if: $x is 3)[The child examines the walls.](if: $x is 4)[The child turns in place, taking in her surroundings.](if: $x is 5)[The child shivers.](if: $x is 6)[The child hums quietly to herself.](if: $x is 7)[(set: $y to (random: 1, 7))(if: $y is 1)[The child wanders off for a moment, then returns.](if: $y is 2)[The child looks around, tapping her foot impatiently.](if: $y is 3)[The child sets down her backpack and sorts her tools.](if: $y is 4)[The child touches the wrench in her pocket.](if: $y is 5)[One of the laries brings the child water and a food packet. She drinks and eats noisily.](if: $y is 6)[The child wanders off for a moment, then returns.](if: $y is 7)[The child squints at you, as though she is trying to figure something out.]](set: $concount to (it + 1))(set: $childcount to 0)(set: $history to (history:))(set: $previous to $history's last)(if: $concount is 1)[(goto: "arm conversation")](if: $concount is 2)[(goto: "gender conversation")](if: $concount is 3 and (if: $clothing is "false"))[(goto: "stranger conversation")](if: $concount is 3 and (if: $clothing is "true"))[(goto: "clothing conversation")](if: $concount is 4)[(goto: "remember conversation")](if: $concount is 5 and (if: $bauble is "false"))[(goto: "lonely conversation")](if: $concount is 5 and (if: $bauble is "true"))[(goto: "bauble conversation")](set: $makechildclothes to "false")(set: $childclothesswitch to 0)(set: $humanity to (it + 1)) She will need something to help her survive when she leaves the Makoian. What you have in mind is [≪armor of flexible resin, bristling with spikes≫]<clothing|. (click-replace: ?clothing)[(display: "child clothing cycle")] [Yes]<yes|.(click-replace: ?yes)[(t8n: "dissolve")[The child puts it on right away. "It's perfect," she says. [[Back->Make something]]]] Surely there is no harm in such a minor indulgence. You will make her a [≪beast figurine≫]<bauble|.(click-replace: ?bauble)[(display: "child bauble cycle")] [Yes]<yes|.(click-replace: ?yes)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Yes, and what kind? (if: $cbaubletype is 0)[[A hippogriff with wings spread]<hippogriff|. [A thoughtful tortoise]<tortoise|. [A grinning lemur]<lemur|. [A dragon with a spiked tail]<dragon|. [A sleek cat, slinking]<cat|. [A fine fat fish]<fish|](if: $cbaubletype is 1)[[An armlet of tiny prisms]<armlet|. [A braided paper diadem]<diadem|. [An amethyst hairpin]<hairpin|. [A shining agate ring]<ring|](if: $cbaubletype is 2)[[A Queen]<queen|. [A King]<king|. [A Bishop]<bishop|. [A Knight]<knight|. [A Rook]<rook|. [A Pawn]<pawn|]]] (set: $makechildbauble to "false")(set: $childbaubleswitch to 0)(set: $humanity to (it + 1)) (click: ?hippogriff)[(set: $childbaub to "bold hippogriff figurine")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?tortoise)[(set: $childbaub to "thoughtful tortoise figurine")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?lemur)[(set: $childbaub to "grinning lemur figurine")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?dragon)[(set: $childbaub to "spike-tailed dragon figurine")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?cat)[(set: $childbaub to "slinking cat figurine")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?fish)[(set: $childbaub to "fat fish figurine")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?armlet)[(set: $childbaub to "armlet of prisms")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?diadem)[(set: $childbaub to "braided diadem")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?hairpin)[(set: $childbaub to "dark purple hairpin")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?ring)[(set: $childbaub to "agate ring")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?king)[(set: $childbaub to "king chess piece")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?queen)[(set: $childbaub to "queen chess piece")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?bishop)[(set: $childbaub to "bishop chess piece")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?knight)[(set: $childbaub to "knight chess piece")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?rook)[(set: $childbaub to "rook chess piece")(goto: "cbauble end")] (click: ?pawn)[(set: $childbaub to "pawn chess piece")(goto: "cbauble end")] The child gazes at the $childbaub in her hands. She says nothing, but you can tell that she is pleased with your choice. [[Back->Make something]].(set: $cclothingtype to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $cclothingtype is 0)[≪armor of flexible resin, bristling with spikes≫](else-if: $cclothingtype is 1)[≪a sleek jumpsuit of durable fibers≫](else-if: $cclothingtype is 2)[≪a camouflaging robe with many pockets≫](click-replace: ?clothing)[(display: "child clothing cycle")](set: $cbaubletype to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $cbaubletype is 0)[≪beast figurine≫](else-if: $cbaubletype is 1)[≪piece of jewelry≫](else-if: $cbaubletype is 2)[≪chess piece≫](click-replace: ?bauble)[(display: "child bauble cycle")] The arm is out of your reach. When the child sees this, she gets on her hands and knees and crawls inside. "Got it!" she says, emerging moments later. She grimaces as she hands you the arm. "What was that doing in there?" You explain that the laries must have amputated it and brought it here, hoping to repair the network by bridging the contacts with your flesh. “It was a good plan,” you say. “I am made of the same neuronal tissue as the network. They just didn't know how to [[finish the job]]." "Is it weird?" the child asks. "Holding your own arm in your hand?" Instead of answering, you tell her that you have a peculiar request. "Hold the hand and keep your grip firm," you say. "You may find this distressing. But please remember that the arm is only raw material now." The child sets her jaw and holds the hand while you hold the arm. Then [[you pull]]. The hand pops out of its socket with a quiet squelch. The child shouts and throws it to the floor. A few laries immediately flock to it and carry it away. "What will they do with that?" she asks. "Add it to the material bins in the fabrication chamber. All we need is this." You hold out the arm. You blow on the wrist, then flip it around to blow on the head of the humerus. Boths ends of the arm begin to [[glow->blow on each end]]. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - motif-a', false);" /></div> You give the arm back to the child and tell her, "Quickly now, set it between the contacts of the primary link." She moves fast. Within moments, the arm is in place, but the links fuse only partway. [[The child blows on them...->...]] (set: $childcount to 0)(set: $network to 1) ...and though you do not believe it should work, the nerve endings glow more brightly. The link is complete, and the network is restored. Already you can feel your mind connecting to the Makoian, and to the glimmering nodes of distant cities. (if: $power is 0)[The system only requires more power.] When you open your eyes, you see that the child is grinning up at you. "Simple as replacing a fuse," she says. |response>[["You have done well."]<op1| [Say nothing. There is more work to be done.]<op2| (click: ?op1)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["You have done well." [[Proceed->corridors]]. ]]](click: ?op2)[(goto: "corridors")]] (set: $triedsolar to "true")(set: $childsolarcount to (history:)'s length)(set: $childsolar to "true")(set: $childaway to "true")(set: $hatch to "sealed") You wake in a bed of fussing laries. When you stand, you see through the hatch window that the child is still out there, chipping away at the growths. |choice>[[Join her]<join|. [Let her work]<leave|.] (click: ?join)[(set: $triedopenhatch to "true")(replace: ?choice)[You try to open the hatch, but it will not budge. Something has jammed it closed from the other side. Looking down, you see a huge chunk of (if: $cr is 0)[bone matter](if: $cr is 1)[rock crystal](if: $cr is 2)[chitin] wedged against the hatch door.] The child must have heard your banging, because she turns toward the hatch and waves. Then she gets back to work. She will be at this for some time. [[Proceed->corridors]].](click: ?leave)[(replace: ?choice)[Yes, it is well that she has found something to keep her busy. She will be at this for some time.] [[Proceed->corridors]].] <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - sunrise-a', false);" /></div>(set: $childaway to "false")(set: $childsolar to "false")(set: $power to 1)(set: $time to "day")(set: $childcount to 0) While you watch through the hatch window, dawn comes, and the poisoned air glows the color of a flower, the name for which you have forgotten. The child trudges back to the hatch and lets herself in. She removes her goggles and breathing mask. "Finished," she says. "We should have power again." |response>[["You have done well. I am in your debt."]<op1| (if: $triedopenhatch is "true")[ ["Never prevent me from accessing a part of my home again."]<op2|]] (click: ?op1)[(set: $humanity to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["You have done well. I am in your debt." The child considers this carefully, then nods and says, "What's next?" [[Proceed->corridors]].]]](click: ?op2)[(set: $cruel to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Do not ever prevent me from accessing a part of my home again." The child's body tenses, and she clenches her fists. "I was only trying to help," she says. [[Proceed->corridors]]. ]]] (if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $childcount > 3 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $concount < 5))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $z to (random: 1, 3))(if: $z is 3)[(display: "child rndm") ]]Through the window of the hatch, you see the sun glinting in the solar panels. A tingling at the back of your skull tells you that the Makoian's energy cells are charging. [[Return->corridors]]. The child goes wandering out among the broken machines. "These are just like the fabricators my father and I repaired," she says. "In your city?" She nods. "We guard them with our lives now. A sacred oath." You [[remember something]]. Lore: (live: 1s)[ [$GoodText[On.]]<On1| (stop:)](live: 1.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ A trip into the city, by helicopter. You were young, not yet merged with the Makoian. A woman sat beside you, hand on your hand. "Don't worry," she said. "They just want to meet you. They've never [seen anyone like you before]<seen|."(stop:)]] (click: ?seen)[(t8n: "dissolve")[And how strange they looked to you, in their grim gray suits and dresses. A few welcomed you as a savior—a mind to bridge every part of the world, to remake and [[restore it]].]] But the sceptics, the ones who sneered and shook their heads: they turned out to be right. You could not save [≪them≫]<toggle| from [themselves]<save|. [[And now...]] (click: ?toggle)[(replace: ?toggle)[(display: "restore cycle")](replace: ?save)[(display: "save descr")]](if: $rc is 0)[(transition: "pulse")[themselves]](else-if: $rc is 1 )[(transition: "pulse")[them]](set: $rc to (it + 1) % 2)(if: $rc is 0)[≪them≫](else-if: $rc is 1 )[≪the world≫](click: ?toggle)[(replace: ?toggle)[(display: "restore cycle")](replace: ?save)[(display: "save descr")]] Now the child stares up at you, waiting. "I've been working machines like these since before I could talk," she says. "I can fix them." [["Then I shall work by your side."]] [["Do as you will."]](set: $childaway to "true")(set: $childfabricators to "true")(set: $childfabricatorscount to (history:)'s length)(set: $disdain to (it + 1)) You leave the child to her work. This should keep her busy for some time. [[Return->corridors]].<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - motif-a', false);" /></div>(set: $humanity to (it + 1)) Together, you and the child set to work. The systems of the greater fabricators are fabulously complex, but the child's mind is quick. When new parts are needed, you craft them on one of the lesser machines, and the child fits them into place with her [archaic tools]<archaic|. (click: ?archaic)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Often, they are the right tools for the job. [[The hours pass quickly]].]](set: $fabricators to 1)(set: $childaway to "false")(set: $childfabricators to "false")(set: $leftarm to "true")(set: $fabpro to "true")(set: $childcount to 0) "And now for the real test," the child says. She sets your lost hand onto the bed of the largest fabricator, feeds it plans from the Makoian's database. A thousand articulated machine arms set to work, adding osseous tissue, neural fibers, and synthetic flesh. Flesh like yours. When the arm is complete, you set it in place and seal it with a breath. [["Just like replacing a fuse."->Make something]](set: $granddesign to "true")(set: $prototypeswitch to 0) Yes, an offering to the future, in case there really is one after all. You will design: [Something to absorb the poisons from the air]<air|. [Something to absorb the poisons from the water]<water|. (click: ?air)[(set: $prototype to "air")(goto: "prototype end")] (click: ?water)[(set: $prototype to "water")(goto: "prototype end")] (set: $fabricators to 1)(set: $childaway to "false")(set: $childfabricators to "false")(set: $leftarm to "true")(set: $fabpro to "true")(set: $childcount to 0)<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - motif-a', false);" /></div> "I'm finished," the child says. "And now for the real test." She sets your lost hand onto the bed of the largest fabricator, feeds it plans from the Makoian's database. A thousand articulated machine arms set to work, adding osseous tissue, neural fibers, and synthetic flesh. Flesh like yours. When the arm is complete, you set it in place and seal it with a breath. "How's it fit?" [["Like replacing a fuse."->Make something]] The child watches in wonder as you perform this task so essential to your being: the machines are extensions of your hands, your hands are balls of light, the light of your mind is a furnace. And from it is born a simple thing, [as much alive as you are]<alive|. (click: ?alive)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(if: $prototype is "air")["A mushroom?" the child asks.](if: $prototype is "water")["A jellyfish?" the child asks.] "After a fashion," you say. "Like a (if: $prototype is "air")[mushroom,](if: $prototype is "water")[jellyfish,] it will go into the world and make more of itself. And this one, by degrees, will also make the world better." The child nods, apparently satisfied. Then she asks, "So can we take care of my city now?" [[Proceed->corridors]].]] <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - suspense-a', false);" /></div> "Wait," the child says. "Why do you think there are so many of them here?" "There must be something very wrong with the Agora," you tell her. "They want to fix it, but they can't." [[The child considers]]. "Please keep trying this time," the child tells you. "We have to make it through somehow." [[Proceed->Agora]]. "I have an idea," she says. "What if we gave them something worse to worry about?" |response>[["I'm listening."]<op1| ["I cannot allow you to damage any part of this facility."]<op2|] (click: ?op1)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I'm listening." "Good," she says. "Because I need you to trust me." And before you can say anything, she runs back [[down the corridor]]. ] ]](click: ?op2)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I cannot allow you to damage any part of this facility." "That's not what I have in mind," she says. "But I need you to trust me." And before you can say anything, she runs back [[down the corridor]]. ]]] You chase her to the solar array hatch, amazed at how fast she can move with all those tools in her backpack. Before you can catch her, she has pried open the hatch and blocked it from the other side (if: $triedopenhatch is "true")[again](if: $triedopenhatch is "false")[with a huge chunk of (if: $cr is 0)[bone matter](if: $cr is 1)[rock crystal](if: $cr is 2)[chitin]]. She takes a few steps away, then turns to face you. She is not wearing her goggles or breathing mask. [[Try to open the hatch]]. [[Trust her and wait]]. You slam your body against the hatch, but the brace holds. The child shakes her head. You see now that she is smiling. She takes deep breaths of the poisonous air. Her smile falters, but only for [a moment]<moment|. (click: ?moment)[Blood begins to trickle from her left nostril. [[Try to open the hatch->try second time]]. [[Trust her and wait->trust second time]].] The child smiles, holding your gaze. She takes deep breaths of the poisonous air. Her smile falters, but only for [a moment]<moment|. (click: ?moment)[Blood begins to trickle from her left nostril. [[Try to open the hatch->try second time only]]. [[Trust her and wait->trust second time]].] This time you push harder, groaning from the strain. You feel your left arm, so recently rejoined to your body, begin to pull free of the shoulder. The child's eyes roll back, and [[she collapses]]. The child's eyes roll back, and she collapses. Then you hear a strange sound from the corridor. It is the (if: $cr is 0)[fluttering of the laries' wings as they [[rush toward you]].](if: $cr is 1)[shushing of the laries as they bounce and [[rush toward you]].](if: $cr is 2)[pop and rustle of the laries [[rushing toward you->rush toward you]].] You step back as the laries swarm the hatch. Their combined strength is greater than yours: they tear the hatch from its hinges and stream outside. You can see and hear nothing but their [[chittering bodies->outside]]. The laries have gathered around the fallen child. There are so many of them, you can hardly see the girl in their midst. They begin moving in a new pattern. [ (display: "lgen") ]<l2|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l1|[The laries]<scatter|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l3|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l7|(click: ?scatter)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [gather close]<with|] (replace: ?l5)[$lariestextone[⭗⭗⭗⭗⭗]](replace: ?l3)[$lariestexttwo[⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾]] ][ (display: "lgen") ]<l4|(click: ?with)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [and build]<one|] (replace: ?l7)[$lariestextthree[◯◯◯◯◯]](replace: ?l2)[$lariestextone[⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤]] ](click: ?one)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [a structure]<hand|] (replace: ?l4)[$lariestextthree[⚬⚬⚬⚬⚬]](replace: ?l6)[$lariestexttwo[⏣⏣⏣⏣⏣]] ][ (display: "lgen") ]<l5|(click: ?hand)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [of themselves]<clearing|.] (replace: ?l1)[$lariestextthree[⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾]](replace: ?l7)[$lariestexttwo[⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤]]][ (display: "lgen") ]<l6|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l8|(click: ?clearing)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [[Proceed->new wing]]. ](replace: ?l8)[$lariestextthree[⭘⭘⭘⭘⭘]](replace: ?l9)[$lariestexttwo[⏣⏣⏣⏣⏣]] ] You step into this new wing of the Makoian, admiring its construction. Through the window in the dome of its roof, you can feel the warmth of the sun. And the laries are shushing good air in from the facility, filtering the poisons out. The child, her breathing shallow, sits up and wipes the blood from her lip. One of the laries alights in her lap, and [[she pets it]]. But why would the laries go to her, unless they knew her somehow? (if: $boxopen is "true")[The child, as though to answer your question, takes a white lab coat from her backpack. “You stole that,” you say. “Did I?" she asks. "It's got my name on it."] [[Remember->big remembering]].<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - the big remembering', false);" /></div> Lore: (live: 1s)[ $GoodText[On.](stop:)] (live: 2s)[Lore: (stop:)] (live: 3s)[ $GoodText[On.](stop:)] (live: 4s)[ [[No]].(stop:)] Laure(live: 1s)[-Anne.(stop:)] (live: 2s)[Laure-Anne Dubois. That is the name of [the woman in the white coat]<coat|.(stop:)] (click-replace: ?coat)[the woman [[who made you]]] "Your grandmother?" you ask the child. "Great-grandmother," she says. "She told my father the stories of the Fabricationist in the castle. And how one of us, when the machines were ready again, would have to come up here to wake you up." "I am [[awake now]]." You remember: how the people of the world sought to unmake the world. [(cradle and all)]<cradle| (click: ?cradle)[(t8n: "dissolve")[How they poisoned the air and the waters, and caused the waters to rise. Laure-Anne told you to sleep for a very long time. She said that she would send for you. Then she taught you her final lesson, and it was called [[mourning]].]] You slept. Slept through that first morning and a thousand mornings after. Slept until the arrival of Laure-Anne's great-granddaughter woke you. [And now—]<now|(click: ?now)[Lore: (live: 1s)[ $GoodText[On]— Now you remember [[your name]].(stop:)]] =><= [ []<word1| []<word2| ]<word3| [D E W I T]<dewit|(click-replace: ?dewit)[[D E W I T S M A C H]<dewitsmach|](click-replace: ?dewitsmach)[[D E W I T S M A C H I N]<dewitsmachin|](click-replace: ?dewitsmachin)[[[D]<d| I E Z W I T S C H E R M A S C H I N E]<letters|] <= <!--DIE-->(click: ?d)[(replace: ?word1)[DIE] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [Z]<z| W I T S C H E R M A S C H I N E]<letters|] ]<!--DIE ZWITSCHER-->(click: ?z)[(replace: ?word2)[ZWITSCHER] (replace: ?letters)[ [ [M]<m| A S C H I N E ]<letters| ] ]<!--DIE ZWITSCHER MASCHINE-->(click: ?m)[ (replace: ?word3)[ [[DIE ZWITSCHER MASCHINE]] ] (replace: ?letters)[]] [ (display: "lgen") ]<l2|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l1|[You scatter them]<scatter|[ (display: "lgen")( ]<l3|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l7|(click: ?scatter)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [with your]<with|] (replace: ?l5)[ ](replace: ?l3)[ ] ][ (display: "lgen") ]<l4|(click: ?with)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [two]<one|] (replace: ?l7)[ ](replace: ?l2)[ ] ](click: ?one)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [hands]<hand|,] (replace: ?l4)[ ](replace: ?l6)[ ] ][ (display: "lgen") ]<l5|(click: ?hand)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [clearing a path]<clearing|.] (replace: ?l1)[](replace: ?l7)[ ]][ (display: "lgen") ]<l6|[ (display: "lgen") ]<l8|(click: ?clearing)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[ [[Proceed->outside]. ](replace: ?l8)[ ](replace: ?l9)[ ] ] Then you hear a strange sound from the corridor. It is the (if: $cr is 0)[fluttering of the laries' wings as they [[rush toward you]].](if: $cr is 1)[shushing of the laries as they bounce and [[rush toward you]].](if: $cr is 2)[pop and rustle of the laries [[rushing toward you->rush toward you]].] |click>[<img src="images/kleefull.jpg" width=800>](click: ?click)[(goto: "ready")] (set: $agora to 1) "Ready?" your maker's great-granddaughter asks. "Yes, Laure-Anne, [[I am ready->corridors]]." (if: $child is "true")[(set: $childcount to (it + 1))](if: $childcount > 3 and (if: $childaway is "false") and (if: $concount < 5))[(goto: "child conversations")](if: $child is "true" and (if: $childaway is "false"))[(set: $z to (random: 1, 3))(if: $z is 3)[(display: "child rndm") ]]The open hatch gives way onto a great translucent dome. Beyond, you can still see the sun glinting in the solar panels. A tingling at the back of your skull tells you that the Makoian's energy cells are charging. [[Return->corridors]].<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.stop();" /></div> The Agora is vast and cool, and from the walls you hear the buzzing of a thousand projectors powering up. You feel the network seeking connections here as a prickling at your fingertips. And you see [[what had the laries so upset]]. "Don't worry," the child says. "I've brought it with me." From around her neck she removes a necklace. Dangling from it is a key. Your key. "Would you like to start it up?" she asks. [["Yes."->power up]] [["No, you go ahead."->power up]] On the floor are the remains of a picnic. The empty basket rests on her broad blue blanket. And on the blanket are plates, cups, forks, knives. She might have enjoyed this meal in the company of a thousand others. Then left when the network finally went out. The laries were simply [[waiting for her]]. At the center of the chamber is a low column, and at the top of the column is a [[keyhole]]. A dozen projectors shine their light on the far wall. The illuminated section separates itself and walks toward you. The lights focus, the color deepens. Ragged clothes take shape, then hands and feet, then a face. "Father!" the child cries. She hugs the piece of the Agora simulating her father, and the Agora hugs her back. Then he looks up and [[sees you]]. You cannot tell if the tears in his eyes are for the sight of his daughter alive, or for you, the family legend come to life. Perhaps both. "Fabricationist," he says. [["Mister Dubois."->"Please, call me Lukas."]] "Please, call me Lukas." Where he stands, you and his daughter probably appear as two dimensional projections. That city was never equipped with a fully functioning Agora. Still, Lukas's eyes fill with wonder at what he sees. Then he doubles over, coughing. The child spoke the truth when she said that he was ill. "My generators will power this connection only briefly," he says. "Fabricationist, we have gathered supplies, but we require [[plans from your network]]." (set: $communication to 0)(set: $sc to 0) For you, it requires no pushing of buttons, no throwing of levers. You communicate with the Agora via [≪electrical charges≫]<commtype|. |commdescr>[The data shimmers on your superconductive skin and travels through the pads of your feet and the palms of your hands into the substance of the Makoian]. (click: ?commtype)[(replace: ?commtype)[(display: "commtypes")](replace: ?commdescr)[(display: "CommTypeDescr")]][[Yes->transmit]]. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('Ambient music - suspense-a', false);" /></div> "Fabricationist, for generations now, my family has worked to restore the machines of this city. But we have also had to guard the machines from those who would use them for lesser purposes. Raiders. Pillagers. Brigands." He coughs again. You know what he is [asking]<coughs|. (click: ?coughs)[["You want me to send you plans for guns."]<wpns|] (click: ?wpns)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You catch Lukas's gaze shift to his daughter. She is standing [[close by your side]].]] You call up the schematics with hardly a thought. Guns. Crude yet effective devices. And they will allow Lukas's clan to protect itself. "Thank you, Fabricationist. I dare keep you no longer." To his daughter, he adds, "Laure-Anne, I'm so proud of you. Return when you can." Then the projection flickers out, and the piece of the Agora that had been Lukas Dubois returns to the wall. You turn to the child. [["Will you go back to them now?"]](if: $disdain is $cruel and (if: $humanity is $cruel))[(set: $disdainending to "true")](if: $humanity > $cruel and (if: $humanity > $disdain))[(set: $humanityending to "true")](if: $disdain > $humanity and (if: $disdain > $cruel))[(set: $disdainending to "true")(set: $cruelending to "false")](if: $cruel > $humanity and (if: $cruel > $disdain))[(set: $cruelending to "true")(set: $disdainending to "false")](if: $disdain is $cruel and (if: $disdain > $humanity))[(set: $disdainending to "true")(set: $cruelending to "false")](if: $humanity is $cruel and (if: $humanity > $disdain))[(set: $cruelending to "true")](if: $humanity is $disdain and (if: $humanity > $cruel))[(set: $disdainending to "true")](if: $cruelending is "true")[(goto: "other ending")](if: $disdainending is "true")[(goto: "other ending")](if: $humanityending is "true")[(goto: "humanity ending")] Lukas watches a display which you see only as a green light flickering over his face. He closes his eyes in silent thanks. Then he says, "There's just [[one last thing->one more thing]]." "Please," the child says to you. "You've been kind to me." [[Transmit plans for weapons.]] [[Refuse this request.]] (set: $refusedweapons to "true") "I cannot do this," you say. "Those are tools of the old world, not the new." You see the disappointment in his face—and in the child's, too. But Lukas nods and says, "We must trust to your judgement, Fabricationist. And to your wisdom." To his daughter, he adds, "Laure-Anne, I'm so proud of you. Return when you can." Then the projection flickers out, and the piece of the Agora that had been Lukas Dubois returns to the wall. You turn to the child. [["Will you go back to them now?"]] The child frowns, uncertain. "I think there's more I can do out here," she says. "We could work together, maybe." You sit down on the picnic blanket, and the laries bring food and drink. Together, you make [[a plan]]. <div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('this is my space age', false);" /></div> The Makoian's internal network is sound, but elsewhere the lines are broken. You cannot repair them, because you need to be [here]<go|. (click: ?go)[(t8n: "dissolve")[So the child will return to the wastes. Not to go home, but to follow the old neural threads of the world, and to link them again. “I’ll light up the next city,” she says, “and then the next. And I'll signal to you when I’m ready.” "Together," you say, “We will [[remake the world]]."]] “I’d rather just [make a new one]<make|,” she says. (click: ?make)[(t8n: "dissolve")[With her great-grandmother’s coat worn like a cloak over her (if: $cclothingtype is -1)[scrap and sackcloth wrappings](if: $cclothingtype is 0)[spiked armor](if: $cclothingtype is 1)[jumpsuit](if: $cclothingtype is 2)[camouflaging robe], [[she leaves the Makoian->she returns to the wastes]].]] The years pass, and the Great Project proceeds. (if: $granddesign is "true")[You release the things the child once described as (if: $prototype is "air")[mushrooms](if: $prototype is "water")[jellyfish] into the world, along with other creatures. These, too, act as your agents.] [Sometimes]<sometimes1|(click: ?sometimes1)[(t8n: "dissolve")[, when you have a good signal and a little spare time, you tell the child about the Romans, and about those people who came [after]<after|.]] (click: ?after)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(if: $refusedweapons is "true")[ Sometimes, the child returns to her people, to fight with scavenged weapons against those who would use the machines of making for lesser purposes.] You imagine her walking in the light of the [moon]<moon|(click: ?moon)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ (full, the biggest you have ever known)]]. And you see, clear as memory and certain as an old song, her figure on the horizon, her pack heavy with [[tools of the old world and the new->epigraph]].]] =><= FABRICATIONIST DEWIT REMAKES THE WORLD Written and Coded by <a href="http://thirdarchive.net" target="_blank">Jedediah Berry</a> Music and Sound Design by <a href="http://deusextacit.us" target="_blank">Deus ex Tacitus</a> This story was inspired in part by tools and technologies presented at TEDxCERN 2015 Created with Twine 2.0.8 OTHER INFLUENCES & INSPIRATIONS The works of <a href="http://www.indiebound.org/search/book?searchfor=Lem%2C+Stanislaw" target="_blank">Stanislaw Lem</a>, in particular //The Cyberiad// and //Mortal Engines// With Those We Love Alive by <a href="http://aliendovecote.com" target="_blank">Porpentine</a> The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo by <a href="http://correlatedcontents.com" target="_blank">Michael Lutz</a> BACKGROUND IMAGES FROM //Die Zwitscher-Maschine// (//Twittering Maschine//) by <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Klee" target="_blank">Paul Klee</a> EPIGRAPH(S) FROM //A New Hunger// by <a href="http://laureannebosselaar.com" target="_blank">Laure-Anne Bosselaar</a>. PLAYTESTERS <a href="http://krisdikeman.com" target="_blank">Kris Dikeman</a>, <a href="http://andrewervin.com" target="_blank">Andrew Ervin</a>, <a href="http://www.gcarlpurcell.com" target="_blank">G. Carl Purcell</a>, <a href="https://franwilde.wordpress.com" target="_blank">Fran Wilde</a> (all blunders and imperfections are the sole responsibility of the author) SPECIAL THANKS CERN: Abha Eli Phoboo, Claudia Marcelloni, Nick Papoutsis Before you can react, she pulls something from her backpack and points it at you. One more tool of the old world. "(if: $disdainending is "true")[You think we're all beneath you](if: $cruelending is "true")[You've been cruel to me]," she says, gun shaking in her hand. "Now you will have to do as my father tells you." [[Transmit plans for weapons.->give weapons]] [[Refuse this request.->refuse weapons]] You call up the schematics with a thought. Guns. Crude yet effective devices. You turn them over. "Thank you, Fabricationist. I dare keep you no longer." To his daughter, he adds, "Laure-Anne, I'm so proud of you. Return when you can." Then the projection flickers out, and the piece of the Agora that had been Lukas Dubois [[returns to the wall]]. (set: $refusedweapons to "true") "I will not do this," you say. "I am no common purveyor of munitions." The girl's body tenses. She keeps the gun aimed at you. (if: $weapon is "true")["Please," Lukas says. "You have that (if: $weapontype is 0)[axe](if: $weapontype is 1)[cudgel](if: $weapontype is 2)[blade] at your side. Let us have our own means to protect ourselves.](if: $weapon is "false")["Please," Lukas says. "Our numbers are dwindling, and we need to protect ourselves."] [[Summon laries to stop the child.]] [[Hold firm.->Call her bluff.]] [[Give in.->give weapons]] The child keeps her weapon trained on you as she backs out of the room. [["Laure-Anne, I am sorry."]] [["I am no threat to you, child."]] [[Say nothing.]] The child hesitates, but only for a moment. "You can have your lonely castle to yourself," she says. "We won't bother you again." And then [[she is gone]]. The child hesitates, but only for a moment. "You can have your lonely castle to yourself," she says. "We won't bother you again." And then [[she is gone]]. She stops in the doorway long enough to say, "You can have your lonely castle to yourself now. We won't bother you again." And then [[she is gone]].<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="hackeyTwineAudio.play('this is my space age', false);" /></div> The years pass, and the Great Project proceeds. (if: $granddesign is "true")[You release the things the child once described as (if: $prototype is "air")[mushrooms](if: $prototype is "water")[jellyfish] into the world, along with other creatures. These act as your agents.] You work among your machines, designing, building, planning. Sometimes, the light of another city bursts onto your network, and you do what you can to help the people there. [Sometimes]<there|(click: ?there)[(t8n: "dissolve")[, you wonder whether you are really helping. Whether they ever learn anything at all. [Sometimes]<sometimes|]](click: ?sometimes)[(t8n: "dissolve")[, you imagine the child back in her city—no longer a child, no longer in the city that was hers—walking in the light of the [moon]<moon|(click: ?moon)[ (full, the biggest you have ever known)]. And you see, clear as memory and certain as an old song, her figure on the horizon, her pack heavy with [[tools of the old world and the new->epigraph2]]. ]] The child is looking at you, still waiting for an answer. [["It was peaceful."->control room]] [["I had troubling dreams."->control room]] [[Say nothing.->control room]](set: $proteincon to "true")(set: $childcount to 0) The blue goop of your protein bath has grown pale and cool. The thought of crawling back in makes you shiver. The child asks, "What was it like [[to be in there]]?" (set: $viewportcon to "true")(set: $childcount to 0)(if: $time is "night")[(if: $cr is 0)[From a great bonelike spire, ](if: $cr is 1)[From a great crystal spire, ](if: $cr is 2)[Through a translucent scale on the great dome above the control room, ]you see the ruined valley below. Dust clouds billow in the poisoned air, and hulking beasts crouch in the shadows of the hills.](if: $time is "day")[(if: $cr is 0)[From a great bonelike spire, ](if: $cr is 1)[From a great crystal spire, ](if: $cr is 2)[Through a translucent scale on the great dome above the control room, ]you see the ruined valley below. Dust clouds billow in the poisoned air, and hulking beasts fight under a red sun.] "You came all that way," you say to the child. "Look," she says, pointing to the horizon. "You can see [[my city out there]]." Lore: (live: 1s)[$GoodText[On.] You remember [[something->makoian memory]].(stop:)] (live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[In the city park, a [picnic]<picnic|.(stop:)] ] (click: ?picnic)[(transition: "dissolve")[Except the park is not real. It is a made thing, a fabrication of [the Agora]<agora|. (in the treetop)] ] (click: ?agora)[(transition: "dissolve")[The woman in the white coat calls it de grote markt, or der stadtplatz, or la place de la ville, picking the right language for her mood. "You must always be here now," she says. "But here can be [anywhere]<anywhere|."] ] (click: ?anywhere)[(transition: "dissolve")[She enjoys these picnics. You both do. And the food, at least, [[is real]].]] Lore: (live: 1s)[$GoodText[On.] You remember [[a dream->bridge dream]].(stop:)] "Are you okay?" the child asks. |response>[ ["I don't know why, but your presence here is restoring my memories."]<op1| ["Yes, I'm fine."]<op2| [[Say nothing->control room]].] (click: ?op1)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I don't know why, but your presence here is restoring my memories." She smiles. "Maybe you just need some words in the air again." [[Return->control room]].] ]](click: ?op2)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Yes, I'm fine." She smiles. "You just seemed far away for minute there." [[Return->control room]].]]](set: $controlcon to "true")(set: $childcount to 0) The child asks you suddenly, "Do you have [a name]<name|?" (click: ?name)[A name. You are certain that you had one once. You can almost hear it, but in someone else's voice, [not your own]<not|.] (click: ?not)["DeWit," you say. Then you shake your head, because you know that's not quite right. The child shrugs. "DeWit. I think it's a good name." [[Proceed->control room]].](set: $lariescon to "true")(set: $childcount to 0) The child says, “Why are they called [//laries//]<laries|, anyway?” (click: ?laries)[“A play on words,” you say. “Something mentioned by a science fiction writer of the twentieth century. And the [Romans]<romans| had their //Lares//, household spirits.” (You remember all of this, but not your name, nor the name of the person who named you.)] (click: ?romans)[“What are //Romans//?” the child asks. “Maybe another time,” you say. [[Proceed->Agora]].] You slam your body against the hatch, but the brace holds. You push harder, groaning from the strain. You feel your left arm, so recently rejoined to your body, begin to pull free of the shoulder. The child's eyes roll back, and [[she collapses]]. The furry, (if: $cr is 0)[moth-like creatures](if: $cr is 1)[spheres of gossamer thread](if: $cr is 2)[gray, spore-like creatures] emerge from the floor, engulfing her in an instant. The gun falls and you kick it aside. Seconds later, the child falls, too. Her cries are muffled by the (if: $cr is 0)[beating of wings](if: $cr is 1)[shushing fibers](if: $cr is 2)[chuffing mass]. "Please!" Lukas shouts. "Please [[spare her]]. She meant no harm. We didn't even have bullets for the gun." "Destroy me, and you destroy this facility. Then there will be no hope for your world." The girl stands unflinching, and you return her stare. It is her father who breaks first. Through his coughing, Lukas says, "Laure-Anne, we cannot change the nature of your host. Put your weapon away now." [[Another long moment]] passes before she shoves the gun back into her pack. With a wave of your hand, you send the laries skittering away. The child gets slowly to her feet and wipes tears from her face. Lukas says, "Fabricationist, we have troubled you long enough. Now we must trust to your judgement. And to your wisdom." To his daughter, he adds, "Laure-Anne, I'm very proud of you. Please return when you can." Then the projection flickers out, and the piece of the Agora that had been Lukas Dubois [[returns to the wall->child runs out]]. The child runs for the door, the tools in her backpack rattling. [[Say nothing.]] [["Laure-Anne, I am sorry."]] Lukas says, "We must trust to your judgement, Fabricationist. And to your wisdom." To his daughter, he adds, "Laure-Anne, I'm so proud of you. Return when you can." Then the projection flickers out, and the piece of the Agora that had been Lukas Dubois [[returns to the wall->she leaves]]. The child heads for the door, the tools in her backpack rattling. [[Say nothing.]] [["Laure-Anne, I am sorry."]] "I volunteered to cross the wastes alone," she says, "though they are beast-ridden and thick with void. My father was too sick to make the trip, but he pointed out the way." |response>[["You are brave to have come. I will help you somehow."]<op1| ["I fear I will be of little use you. My systems are broken."]<op2| ["Child, this is no place for you."]<op3|] (click: ?op1)[(set: $humanity to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["You are brave to have come. I will help you somehow." The child grins. She seems strangely familiar to you. But how can she remind you of someone when you remember no one at all? "There is much work to do," you say. She opens the top flap of her backpack, and you glimpse a collection of ancient tools. [["Come along, then."->child wrapup]] ]]](click: ?op2)[(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I fear I will be of little use you. My systems are broken." The child opens her backpack, and you glimpse a collection of ancient tools. "I'll help you fix them," she says, and grins. She seems strangely familiar to you. But how can she remind you of someone when you remember no one at all? [["Come along, then."->child wrapup]] ]]](click: ?op3)[(set: $cruel to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Child, this is no place for you." The child opens her backpack, and you glimpse a collection of ancient tools. "Your systems need to be repaired," she says. "I can help." Strange, this girl seems familiar to you. But how can she remind you of someone when you remember no one at all? This question alone keeps you from turning her back out into the wastes. [["Just keep out of the way."->child wrapup]] ]]] { (print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>") (if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[ (print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>") ] }(set: $communication to (it + 1) % 3)(if: $communication is 0)[≪electrical charges≫](else-if: $communication is 1 )[≪radio signals≫](else-if: $communication is 2)[≪sound waves≫](click: ?commtype)[(replace: ?commtype)[(display: "commtypes")](replace: ?commdescr)[(display: "CommTypeDescr")]](if: $communication is 0)[The data (transition: "pulse")[shimmers on your superconductive] skin and travels (transition: "pulse")[through the pads of your feet and the palms of your hands] into the substance of the Makoian](else-if: $communication is 1 )[The data (transition: "pulse")[radiates from microfilament antennae in your] skin and travels (transition: "pulse")[in silent ripples through the air and] into the substance of the Makoian](else-if: $communication is 2)[The data (transition: "pulse")[crackles from your resonant] skin and travels (transition: "pulse")[in hissing bursts through the air and] into the substance of the Makoian] With a thought you [transmit plans]<transmit|: (click: ?transmit)[(t8n: "dissolve")[for [medicines]<meds|]](click: ?meds)[(t8n: "dissolve")[, for [prostheses]<pros|]](click: ?pros)[(t8n: "dissolve")[, for [shelters]<shelt|]](click: ?shelt)[(t8n: "dissolve")[, for living structures that will grow and repair the broken city even as they clean the water and the air. Because you are Die Zwitscher-Maschine, the Twittering Machine. And your [≪voice≫]<toggle2| is the [song]<word| of [[the world->the Twittering Machine]].]] (click: ?toggle2)[(replace: ?toggle2)[(display: "song cycle")](replace: ?word)[(display: "song descr")]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Funneled into, tunnelled toward the past's underground: lives, loves—millennia of them. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cemeteries, mass graves, urns. Photo albums, memorials, memoirs: all clogged with indispensable souls. —Laure-Anne Bosselaar, "Memory Mall" [[end->credits]] What else was there &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to do for me but to look away and walk &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;back into the dark? —Laure-Anne Bosselaar, "At Savage River Lodge" [[end->credits]] (set: $disdainending to "false")(set: $cruelending to "false")(set: $humanityending to "false") (set: $disdain to 5)(set: $cruel to 5)(set: $humanity to 1) disdain $disdain cruel $cruel humanity $humanity The child touches the place where your left arm should be. "What happened?" |response>[["That is no concern of yours."]<op1| ["It was gone when I woke from my slumber."]<op2|(if: (history:) contains "Look inside")[ ["The laries took it. It is just visible at the end of the crawlspace they made."]<op3|] ["Touch me again and there will be consequences."]<op4|] (click: ?op1)[(set: $childcount to 0)(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["That is no concern of yours." The girl looks hurt. "Sorry," she says. "It just seems kind of sad." [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op2)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["It was gone when I woke from my slumber." The girl nods as though this is not so unusual. "I'll keep an eye out for it," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["The laries took it." The girl frowns. "Maybe I can help you get it back," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op4)[(set: $childcount to 0)(set: $cruel to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Touch me again and there will be consequences." The girl looks hurt. "Sorry," she says. "It just seems kind of sad." [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]] The child gives you a strange look. "Fabricationist, are you a boy or a girl?" |response>[["I am both female and male, and I am neither."]<op1| ["I have not yet decided."]<op2| ["I think of myself as a woman."]<op3| ["I think of myself as a man."]<op4| ["I prefer not to make such distinctions."]<op5| (click: ?op1)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I am both female and male, and I am neither." The child nods. "Okay," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op2)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I have not yet decided." The child nods. "Okay," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I think of myself as a woman." The child nods. "Okay," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op4)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I think of myself as a man." The child nods. "Okay," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op5)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I prefer not to make such distinctions." The child nods. "Okay," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]]] You catch the child giving you an odd look. You realize how peculiar you must seem to her, so like the human creatures she knows, and yet so different. |response>[ [Say nothing.]<op1| ["I know that I appear strange to your eyes, but know that I am your friend."]<op2| ["Child, I am not some curiosity to be gawked at."]<op3| (click: ?op1)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You say nothing, and the child quickly looks away. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op2)[(set: $childcount to 0)(set: $humanity to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I know that I seem strange to your eyes, but know that I am your friend." The child nods. She seems less afraid. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Child, I am not some curiosity to be gawked at." The child quickly looks away. [Proceed]<proceed|.(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]]] You catch the child admiring your $cloth. She quickly looks away. |response>[ [Say nothing.]<op1| ["Would you like me to make you something new to wear?"]<op2| ["My vestments are appropriate only for one of my standing."]<op3| (click: ?op1)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You say nothing. The child tightens a loose thread on her patchwork garment. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op2)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Would you like me to make you something new to wear?" The child touches her patchwork garment. "I made this myself," she says, "but after my journey here, it's falling apart." (if: (history:)'s last is "Make something")["Let's see what we can do."](if: (history:)'s last is not "Make something")["Perhaps when we next visit the fabrication chamber together," you tell her.] [Proceed]<proceed|.(set: $makechildclothes to "true")(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["My vestments are appropriate only for one of my standing." The child kicks at nothing and shrugs. "Yeah," she says, "I know." [Proceed]<proceed|.(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]]] The child stops you and says, "Fabricationist, what was the world like when you were young?" [Try to remember]<remember|. (click: ?remember)[Lore: (live: 1s)[ [$GoodText[On.]]<On1| (stop:)](live: 1.5s)[ (t8n: "dissolve")[Yes, it comes to you now. The endless green hills, open skies, shivering waters. But already a threshold had been crossed, and the earth was breaking. This is part of why they made you. |response>[[Say nothing.]<op1| ["It was a better place then."]<op2| ["I hardly knew. Your ancestors were too busy destroying it."]<op3| ["Maybe someday you will see."]<op4|](stop:)]] (click: ?op1)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You say nothing, and the child looks away. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op2)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["It was a better place then." The child nods. "Not even my father remembers. But his grandmother told him it was better before." [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["I hardly knew. Your ancestors were too busy destroying it." The child looks at her feet. [Proceed]<proceed|.(set: $cruel to (it + 1))(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op4)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Maybe someday you will see." The child frowns. You can tell that she wants to believe you. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]]] The child stands close to you and says, "Will you be very lonely here after I'm gone?" |response>[ [Say nothing.]<op1| ["Perhaps you will return to visit me sometime."]<op2| ["On the contrary, it will be a relief to have some quiet again."]<op3| (click: ?op1)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You say nothing, and the child looks away. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op2)[(set: $childcount to 0)(set: $humanity to (it + 1))(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Perhaps you will return to visit me sometime." (if: $humanity > $cruel and (if: $humanity > $disdain))["Yes," she says. "I would like that."](if: $humanity <= $cruel or (if: $humanity <= $disdain))[The child considers this, seemingly uncertain.] [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["On the contrary, it will be a relief to have some quiet again." The child looks away and says nothing. [Proceed]<proceed|.(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]]] You catch the child admiring your $baub. "May I see?" she asks. |response>[ [Let her hold it.]<op1| ["Shall I make you something like it?"]<op2| ["It is a token of my own self, and not to be pawed at by others."]<op3| (click: ?op1)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You hand the child the $baub. She turns it over in her hands, wondering at the craftsmanship. "It's beautiful," she says, and hands it back. [Proceed]<proceed|.(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op2)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["Shall I make you something like it?" "Yes," she says. [Proceed]<proceed|.(set: $makechildbauble to "true")(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]](click: ?op3)[(set: $childcount to 0)(replace: ?response)[(t8n: "dissolve")["It is a token of my own self, and not to be pawed at by others." The child looks away. "I'm sorry," she says. "I didn't know." [Proceed]<proceed|.(set: $disdain to (it + 1))(click: ?proceed)[(goto: $previous)]] ]]](if: $sc is 0)[(transition: "pulse")[song]](else-if: $sc is 1 )[(transition: "pulse")[voice]](set: $sc to (it + 1) % 2)(if: $sc is 0)[≪voice≫](else-if: $sc is 1 )[≪song≫](click: ?toggle2)[(replace: ?toggle2)[(display: "song cycle")](replace: ?word)[(display: "song descr")]]